Page 207 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 207

great size. He will snort and bound around the piazza to terrify you, but   beast. Meanwhile, Buffalmacco, a tall and strong man, provided himself
            when he sees you are not afraid, he will approach quietly. When he is   with one of those dominos worn in certain revels now out of fashion.
            close, get down from the tomb, fear nothing, and mount him. Once you   Enveloped in a black pelisse turned inside out, he looked like a bear, except
            are on his back, fold your arms on your chest in submission and touch   the domino had the face of a devil and was furnished with horns. Bruno
            him no more. He will then bear you to us gently. But if you think of God or   followed close behind to see the sport. Buffalmacco went to the piazza
            the saints or give way to fear, he might throw you off or dash you against   of Santa Maria Novella and, knowing the Master was on the tomb, began
            something unpleasant. If your heart misgives you, it is best not to come,   careering wildly to and fro, snorting, bellowing, and gibbering like one
            for you would do yourself harm and us no good." The doctor replied, "You   demented. The Master, seeing him, trembled in every limb, being more
            do not know me yet; perhaps because I wear gloves and a long robe, you   timid than a woman, and wished himself safe at home. But he strove to
            doubt me. Ah! If you knew the feats I have done in Bologna when I used   keep his spirits up, so great was his desire to see the marvels Bruno and
            to go after women with my comrades, you would be amazed. God's faith!   Buffalmacco had told him about. After a while, Buffalmacco allowed his
            One night, there was a poor sickly woman who stood not a cubit in height   fury to abate and came quietly up to the tomb, standing still. The Master,
            and would not come with us. I gave her many good cuffs, then took her   still trembling with fear, hesitated to get on the beast's back but eventually
            by force and carried her nearly as far as a crossbow bolt flies, making her   overcame his dread, got down from the tomb, saying under his breath,
            come with us. On another occasion, with only my servant, I passed by   "God help me!" and seated himself on the beast's back. Still quaking, he
            the cemetery of the Friars Minors after the hour of Ave Maria, though a   folded his arms as instructed.
            woman had been buried there that day, and I had no fear. So, rest assured,
            I am a man of great courage and prowess. To appear before you with due   Buffalmacco started, going on all fours at a slow pace, towards Santa
            dignity, I will wear my scarlet gown, in which I took my doctor's degree.   Maria della Scala, bringing the Master within a short distance of the
            It remains to be seen if the company will not give me a hearty welcome   Convent of the Ladies of Ripoli. In that quarter, there were trenches
            and make me captain immediately.                       where the husbandmen discharged the Countess of Civillari to manure
                                                                   their land. Buffalmacco skirted the edge of one trench and, seizing his
            Let me be there, and you will see how things go. How is it that this   opportunity, raised a hand, caught the doctor by one foot, and threw him
            countess, who has not yet seen me, is already so enamored of me that   headfirst into the trench. Making a terrific noise and frantic gestures, he
            she wants to make me a Knight of the Bath? Whether I find knighthood   bounded off towards the field of Ognissanti, where he found Bruno, who
            agreeable or know how to support the dignity well or ill, leave that to   had gone there to laugh at his ease. The two men, in high glee, took their
            me." Buffalmacco replied, "Well said, excellent well said. But do not   stand to observe from a distance how the bemired doctor would behave.
            disappoint us by not coming or not being found when we send for you.   The Master struggled to raise himself and get out, slipping back and
            I say this because it is cold weather, and you medical gentlemen take   swallowing some of the ordure. Bemired from head to foot, woebegone
            great care of your health." The doctor replied, "God forbid, I am not one   and crestfallen, he finally got out, leaving his hood behind. Removing as
            of your chilly folk; I do not fear the cold. It is seldom that I leave my bed   much filth as he could with his hands, he went home. After much knocking,
            at night to answer the call of nature, as one must at times, that I do more   he gained admittance. As soon as the door closed behind the malodorous
            than throw a pelisse over my doublet. So rest assured, I shall be there."  Master, Bruno and Buffalmacco were at it, eager to hear how he would
                                                                   be received by his wife. They were rewarded by hearing her give him the
            They parted, and towards nightfall, the Master found a pretext to leave   soundest rating ever given to a bad husband. "Ah!" she said, "fine doings,
            his wife, got out his fine gown, and donned it. He went to the tombs and   these! You have been with another woman and wanted to make a brave
            perched himself on one, huddling together against the cold, to await the   show in your scarlet gown. So I was not enough for you! Not enough for

                                                                                                           The Decameron
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