Page 206 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 206
The Decameron you alone could have revealed these secrets to the Master." The Master as it is fitting to address a man of your wisdom, I give you my word that
interposed vigorously, swearing that he had gotten his knowledge from
I will procure your enrollment in our company." After this promise, the
honors lavished by the doctor upon the two men grew and multiplied.
another source. Buffalmacco eventually allowed himself to be pacified
In return, they amused themselves by setting him prancing upon every
by the sage's words. Turning to the Master, he said, "Master, it is evident
wildest chimera in the world. They promised, among other things, to give
that you have been to Bologna and have returned with a mouth that does
him as a mistress the Countess of Civillari, whom they claimed to be the
not blab. You did not learn your ABCs on a pippin, as many a dolt does,
but on a good long pumpkin. If I am not mistaken, you were baptized on
a Sunday. Though Bruno told me you studied medicine there, I believe
doctor asked who this Countess might be, Buffalmacco replied, "Mature
my gherkin, she is indeed a very great lady, and there are few houses
you studied the art of catching men, and with your wisdom and startling most beautiful creature in all the Netherlands of the human race. When the
revelations, you are the greatest master I have ever known." He would in the world where she does not have some jurisdiction. Even the Friars
have said more, but the doctor, turning to Bruno, broke in, "Ah! What it is Minors, to say nothing of other folk, pay her tribute to the sound of the
to consort and converse with the wise! Who but this worthy man would kettle-drum. I may tell you that when she goes abroad, she makes her
have read my mind so thoroughly? You were much slower to rate me presence very sensibly felt, although she mostly keeps herself hidden.
at my true worth. However, it is not long since she passed by your door one night on her
way to the Arno to bathe her feet and get some fresh air.
But what did I say when you told me Buffalmacco delighted to converse
with sages? Confess now; have I not kept my word?" "Verily," said Bruno, Most of her time, she stays at Laterina. She has many sergeants who go
"you have more than kept it." Then, addressing Buffalmacco, the Master their rounds at short intervals, bearing the rod and the bucket as tokens
cried, "Ah! What would you have said if you had seen me at Bologna, where of her sovereignty, and many barons in all parts, such as Tamagnino della
everyone, great or small, doctor or scholar, was devoted to me, so well Porta, Don Meta, Manico di Scopa, Squacchera, and others, with whom
did I entertain them with my words of wisdom. Let me tell you, there was I doubt not you are intimately acquainted, though you may not just now
never a word I spoke that did not set everyone laughing, so great was the remember them. Such is the great lady, in whose soft arms we, if we do
pleasure it gave them. At my departure, they all deplored it bitterly and not deceive ourselves, will certainly place you, in which case you may
would have had me remain. They even proposed that I should be the sole well dispense with the lady of Cacavincigli." The doctor, who had been
lecturer to all the medical students there, which offer I declined, as I was born and bred in Bologna and did not understand their words, found the
minded to return here, having vast estates that have always belonged lady quite to his liking. Shortly afterward, the painters brought him news
to my family, which I did." Bruno then said to Buffalmacco, "How does it of his election into the company. On the day of the nocturnal gathering,
show now, man? You did not believe me when I told you what he was. the doctor had the two men over for breakfast. After they had eaten, he
By the Gospels, there is no physician in this city who knows the lore of asked how he was to join the company. Buffalmacco replied,
ass's urine as well as he does. You would not find his like between here
and the gates of Paris. "Master, you need a stout heart; otherwise, you may encounter some
difficulties, which would be to our great detriment. You need this stout
Now see if you can help doing as he wishes." "It is as Bruno says," observed heart for a reason, which you shall hear. You must be on one of the raised
the doctor, "but I am not understood here. You Florentines are somewhat tombs outside Santa Maria Novella tonight at the hour of first sleep. Wear
slow of wit. Would that you could see me in my proper element, among a one of your best gowns to make a proper impression on the company and
company of doctors!" "Of a truth, Master," said Buffalmacco, "your lore because the Countess, knowing you are a gentleman, intends to make
far exceeds any I would have imputed to you. Therefore, addressing you you a Knight of the Bath at her own expense. Wait there until someone
we send comes for you. This person will be a black, horned beast of no
The Decameron