Page 202 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 202
The Decameron Zeppa then went into the chamber and found the lady with her The Eighth Day | The Ninth Novell
Storyteller: Lauretta
headgear disarranged by Spinelloccio. He questioned her about
what had happened, and she, being very afraid, eventually
Maestro Simone, an idle-headed doctor of medicine, was thrown
confessed her intimacy with Spinelloccio and begged him with
by Bruno and Buffalmacco into a common cesspool of filth. The
tears to pardon her. Zeppa told her that if she wanted his pardon,
physician foolishly believed that, at night, he would be made a
she must do exactly as he said. She was to tell Spinelloccio
to come to her the next morning around tierce. When Zeppa
wonders at Corsica. They left him there in the cesspool.
returned, she was to get Spinelloccio into a chest and lock him member of a newly created company that usually went to see
in. The lady promised to do as he said and kept her word.
The next day, Spinelloccio left Zeppa, took a slightly circuitous
route to Zeppa's house, and found his wife there. They had not
been together long when Zeppa returned. Hearing him come,
the lady, pretending to be alarmed, bundled Spinelloccio into
the chest as her husband had instructed and locked him in.
Zeppa then invited Spinelloccio's wife to breakfast. He led her
into the chamber and locked the door. Zeppa revealed that he
knew about Spinelloccio's affair with his wife and intended to
avenge himself by being with Spinelloccio's wife. She eventually
agreed, and Zeppa took his pleasure with her on the chest where
Spinelloccio was locked.
Afterward, Zeppa brought his wife into the room and opened
the chest, revealing Spinelloccio inside. Spinelloccio, realizing
that Zeppa had good cause for his actions, suggested that they
remain friends and share everything, including their wives.
Zeppa agreed, and from then on, each lady had two husbands,
and each husband had two wives, without any dispute or
contention between them.
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
The Decameron