Page 203 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 203
When the ladies had made merry for a while over the partnership in wives simplicity, was inclined to laugh but decided to answer him according to
established by the two Sienese, the queen, who now alone remained to his folly. He said, "Master, there are not many people to whom I would
tell a story unless she wished to infringe on Dioneo's privilege, began: disclose our way of life, but as you are my friend and I trust you, I don't
"Fairly earned indeed, loving ladies, was the flout that Spinelloccio got from mind telling you. My comrade and I live not only as lightheartedly and
Zeppa. Therefore, my judgment aligns with Pampinea's earlier statement jovially as you see but even more so. Yet neither our art nor any property
that one who bestows a flout on someone who provokes or deserves it we possess yields us enough to keep us in water. Not that we go thieving;
is not to be severely censured. As Spinelloccio deserved it, I intend to no, we go the course, and without harming anyone, we get all we need
tell you about someone who provoked it, for I believe those who gave it and desire, and thus we live so lightheartedly."
to him are more to be commended than condemned.
The doctor, believing this explanation, was lost in wonder and burned
The man who got it was a physician, who, though he was a blockhead, with a desire to know what "going the course" meant. He urged Bruno
returned from Bologna to Florence in a mantle and hood of vair. It is a to explain, assuring him he would never tell a soul. "Alas! Master," said
daily experience that our citizens return from Bologna, this man a judge, Bruno, "what you ask is a great secret. It would be enough to undo me,
that a physician, and another a notary, flaunting it in ample flowing robes, to send me packing out of the world, into the very jaws of Lucifer of San
adorned with scarlet and vair and other fine attire. How far their actions Gallo, if it became known. But I respect your position and trust you, so I
correspond with this appearance is also a daily experience. Among them, will tell you, on the condition that you swear by the cross at Montesone
not long ago, was Master Simone da Villa, whose patrimony was more to keep your promise and never repeat it to anyone."
ample than his knowledge. He returned wearing scarlet and a broad stripe
on the shoulder, calling himself a doctor, and took a house in the street The Master gave the required assurance. Bruno continued, "You should
now called Via del Cocomero. know, sweet Master, that not long ago, there was a great master in
necromancy in this city, named Michael Scott, from Scotland. He was
Master Simone, having returned, had a peculiar habit of asking anyone held in great honor by many gentlemen, most of whom are now dead.
nearby who a passing person was. He was as observant of all men's When he had to leave Florence, he left behind two adept pupils at their
actions and as diligent in storing such matters in his memory as if they request, who were to serve those gentlemen who had honored him.
were to help him compound the drugs he gave his patients. Of all he saw, They served the gentlemen well in certain love affairs and other matters.
he observed most closely two painters, Bruno and Buffalmacco, who were Finding the city and its manners agreeable, they decided to stay and grew
ever together and his neighbors. He noticed they lived more lightheartedly friendly with some citizens, making no distinction between gentle and
than anyone else he knew and inquired about their rank. Learning they simple, rich or poor, as long as they were conformable to their ways. To
were poor men and painters, he couldn't believe they lived so contentedly gratify their friends, they formed a company of about twenty-five men,
in poverty and concluded they must have a secret source of immense meeting at least twice a month in a designated place. When they met,
gains. He grew eager to befriend them, or at least one of them, and each expressed his desire, and that same night, they accomplished it.
succeeded in making friends with Bruno. Bruno, who quickly discovered Buffalmacco and I, being close friends with these adepts, were enrolled
the physician was a dolt, had a jolly time telling him strange stories, while in this company and are still members. I assure you, the adornments of
the physician was delighted with Bruno. Having invited Bruno to breakfast, the saloon where we eat are marvelous, the tables laid as for kings, and
the physician, thinking he could speak familiarly with him, expressed his the multitude of stately and handsome servants, both women and men,
amazement at how Bruno and Buffalmacco, being poor men, lived so at our beck and call. The basins, ewers, flasks, cups, and all else for our
lightheartedly and asked how they managed. Bruno, seeing the doctor's service in eating and drinking are of gold and silver. The abundance
The Decameron