Page 205 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 205
have a true and loyal comrade who will do you honor. will achieve your goal." The Master replied, "Speak freely; you do not yet
know me well or how well I can keep a secret. There were few things that
Above all, you see how goodly I am of person, well-furnished with legs, Messer Guasparruolo da Saliceto did when he was Podesta of Forlinpopoli
and with a face as fresh as a rose. I am a doctor of medicine, and I doubt that he did not confide in me, knowing they would be safe. Would you
you have any such among you. I have excellent knowledge and many be satisfied if I told you I was the first man he told about his marriage to
good songs by heart, of which I will sing you one." And forthwith he began Bergamina? So there's for you."
to sing. Bruno had such a mind to laugh that he could scarcely contain
himself, but he kept a grave countenance. When the Master had finished "Well and good," said Bruno, "if such as he confided in you, well indeed
his song and asked, "How do you like it?" Bruno answered, "Verily, no lyre may I do the same. Know then that you will have to proceed as follows: Our
of straw could vie with you, so artfully you refine your strain." "I warrant company is governed by a captain and a council of two, who are changed
you," returned the Master, "you would never have believed it if you had every six months. On the calends, without fail, Buffalmacco will be captain,
not heard me." "Indeed, you speak the truth," said Bruno. "And I have and I will be a councillor. The captain has considerable power to promote
other songs too," said the Master, "but enough of this for now. You must the admission and enrollment of whomever he wishes. Therefore, you
know that I, such as you see me, am a gentleman's son, though my father would do well to make friends with Buffalmacco and treat him honorably.
lived in the countryside. On my mother's side, I come from the Vallecchio He is one who, recognizing your great wisdom, will take a liking to you
family. As you may have observed, I have the finest library and wardrobe immediately. When you have dazzled him with your wisdom and fine
of all the physicians in Florence. God's faith! I have a robe that cost close things, you may make your request to him, and he will not know how to
to a hundred pounds in bagattines more than ten years ago. Therefore, I say no. I have already spoken to him about you, and he is well-disposed
make an earnest request that you get me enrolled, and if you do, God's towards you. Having done this, you will leave the rest to me." "Your words
faith! No matter how ill you are, you shall not pay me a stiver for my bring me great joy," said the Master. "If he loves to converse with sages,
care." Bruno, repeating to himself that the doctor was a numskull, said, he need only exchange a word or two with me, and I will answer for it that
"Master, show a little more light here and have patience until I finish the he will always come to see me. I am so full of wisdom that I could furnish
tails of these rats, then I will answer you." a whole city with it and still remain a great sage." Having set matters in
motion, Bruno related the whole affair to Buffalmacco, who was eager
He finished the tails and then, putting on an air of embarrassment, said, to give Master Noodle what he sought. The doctor, now eager to "go the
"Master mine, I know I should expect great things from you, but what you course," quickly made friends with Buffalmacco and entertained him and
ask of me, though it seems a little thing to your great mind, is a weighty Bruno at breakfast and supper in magnificent style. They fooled him to
matter for me. I know no one in the world to whom I would grant such a the top of his bent, for being gentlemen who appreciated excellent wines
request, save you alone. I say this not just for friendship's sake, though I and fat capons, they were inclined to be very neighborly and needed no
love you as I ought, but because your discourse is so full of wisdom that second bidding, always letting him understand that there was no company
it could make a beguine jump out of her boots, much more incline me to they relished more.
change my purpose. The more I have of your company, the wiser I think
you are. If for no other reason, I would still be well-disposed towards you In due time, the Master asked Buffalmacco the same question he had
for the love you bear to that fair piece of flesh you spoke of. But I must previously asked Bruno. Buffalmacco pretended to be very agitated and,
tell you, it is not in my power to do as you wish. However, if you pledge turning angrily to Bruno, made a great fuss, saying, "By the Most High
your faith to keep my secret, I will show you how to go about it yourself, God of Pasignano, I vow I can scarcely refrain from giving you a blow
and I have no doubt that with your fine library and other matters, you that would make your nose fall about your heels, traitor that you are, for
The Decameron