Page 204 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 204

and variety of the viands, suited to each taste, are also marvels. The   more and more of him, had him to breakfast and supper, and treated him
          The Decameron  songs that greet our ears are indescribable. The amount of wax burned   though the Master could not live without Bruno.
            sweet concord of innumerable instruments of music and the tuneful
                                                                   with extraordinary respect. Their constant interaction made it seem as
            at these banquets, the quantity of comfits eaten, and the value of the
            wines drunk are beyond measure. Nor, my pumpkin o' wit, would I have
                                                                   As things went well, Bruno, to show his appreciation for the honor done
            you think we wear our common clothes there. No, we all appear as
                                                                   him by the doctor, painted a picture symbolizing Lent in his saloon, an
            emperors, so sumptuous are our garments and splendid our trappings.
            Among all the delights, none compare with the fair ladies brought from
                                                                   door, so those who wished to consult him could distinguish him from
            every part of the world. You might see there My Lady of the Barbanichs,   Agnus Dei at the entrance of his chamber, and an alembic over his front
                                                                   other physicians. He also painted a battle of rats and mice in the doctor's
            the Queen of the Basques, the Consort of the Soldan, the Empress of   little gallery, which the doctor thought was an extremely fine piece. From
            Osbech, the Ciancianfera of Nornieca, the Semistante of Berlinzone, and   time to time, when he had not supped with the Master, Bruno would say,
            the Scalpedra of Narsia. They include all the queens in the world, even   "Last night I was with the company, and being a little tired of the Queen
            the Schinchimurra of Prester John, who has horns sprouting from her   of England, I fetched the Gumedra of the great Can of Tarisi." "Gumedra,"
            nether end. When these ladies have finished with the wine and comfits,   said the Master, "what is she? I don't know the meaning of these words."
            they dance a measure or two with the man who brought them, then go   "No wonder, Master," replied Bruno, "for I have heard that neither
            with their gallants to their chambers. Each chamber is like a Paradise, fair   Porcograsso nor Vannacena mention her." "You mean Hippocrates and
            and fragrant, with beds more goodly than that of the Doge of Venice. It is   Avicenna," returned the Master. "I don't know," said Bruno. "I understand
            in these beds we rest, and how busily they ply the treadle and tug at the   your words as little as you understand mine. But Gumedra in the speech
            frame to make the stuff close and compact, I leave to your imagination.   of the great Can means the same as Empress in ours. Ah! You would find
            Among the luckiest, I reckon Buffalmacco and myself, for Buffalmacco   her a fine woman, and plenty of her! I warrant she would make you forget
            often fetches the Queen of France, and I the Queen of England, the finest   your drugs and prescriptions and plasters." Bruno continued to whet the
            women in the world. We have carried it with them so well that we are   Master's appetite, and the Master, thinking he had won Bruno over with
            the very eyes of their heads. So, judge for yourself whether we have   his honorable treatment, decided one evening to reveal his desire while
            good cause to live and bear ourselves with a lighter heart than others,   holding the light for Bruno, who was working on the battle of rats and
            being beloved by two such great queens, not to mention the thousand   mice. As they were alone, he spoke: "God knows, Bruno, that there is no
            or two thousand florins we have from them whenever we wish. This, in   man for whom I would do as much as for you. If you were to bid me go
            the vulgar, we call 'going the course,' because, like corsairs preying upon   all the way from here to Peretola, I almost think I would do so. Therefore,
            the world, so do we, with the difference that we restore our spoil as soon   I trust you will not find it strange if I talk to you as an intimate friend and
            as we are done with it. Now, my worthy Master, you understand what   in confidence. You know it is not long since you told me about your gay
            we mean by 'going the course,' but you must keep this secret, so I spare   company and their doings, which has engendered in me a desire to know
            you further exhortations." The Master, whose skill did not extend beyond   more. Nor without reason, as you will discover, should I ever become a
            treating children for scurf, believed everything Bruno said and burned   member of the company. I give you leave to make fun of me if I do not
            with a vehement desire to be admitted into this company. He could not   then fetch the fairest maid you have seen in many a day, whom I saw last
            have longed for the summum bonum itself with more ardor. After telling   year at Cacavincigli and to whom I am entirely devoted. By the body of
            Bruno that it was no wonder they were so lighthearted, he could hardly   Christ, I offered her ten Bolognese groats to pleasure me, and she refused.
            refrain from asking to be enrolled immediately. However, he deemed it   Therefore, I earnestly entreat you to instruct me on what I must do to fit
            more prudent to defer his request until he had gained the right to urge it   myself for membership in the company. Never doubt that in me you will
            with more confidence by lavishing honor upon Bruno. He therefore made
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