Page 210 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 210
The Decameron naked in the others. The slaves then took silver cruets filled The next morning, as she was giving him a fair and dainty
with rose-water, orange-blossom water, jasmine-blossom water,
silver girdle with a goodly purse attached, she said, 'Sweet my
and nanfa water, and sprinkled them. They brought out boxes
Salabaetto, please don't forget me; just as my person is at your
pleasure, so is all that I have, and all that I can do is at your
of comfits and the finest wines, and they enjoyed themselves
command.' Salabaetto embraced and kissed her, then went to
for a while. To Salabaetto, it felt like paradise; he admired the
the place where the merchants gathered. He continued to see
beautiful lady and counted each hour as a hundred years until
the slaves left and he could be in her arms.
his merchandise for ready money and at a good profit. The lady
was soon informed of this by someone else.
At length, by the lady's command, the slaves departed, leaving her from time to time, and without losing any money, he sold
a lighted torch in the room. The lady and Salabaetto embraced,
and to Salabaetto's great delight, it seemed she was almost One evening, when Salabaetto came to see her, she greeted him
dissolved with love for him. They stayed together for a good gaily, kissed and hugged him, and acted as if she were so in
while. However, the time came when the lady had to rise. She love with him that she might die in his arms. She offered to give
called the slaves, who helped them dress, regaled them again him two beautiful silver cups, which he refused, having already
with wine and comfits, and washed their faces and hands with received from her about thirty florins of gold, while she hadn't
fragrant waters. As they were leaving, the lady said to Salabaetto, taken any of his money. When she had thoroughly kindled his
'If it pleases you, I would consider it a great favor if you would passion with this show of affection and generosity, one of her
come tonight to sup and sleep with me.' Salabaetto, captivated slaves, as arranged, came in and spoke to her. She left the room
by her beauty and graciousness, never doubted that he was and returned after a while in tears, throwing herself on the bed
dear to her heart, and replied, 'Madam, there is nothing you and lamenting loudly. Salabaetto, wondering, took her in his
can desire that is not agreeable to me; therefore, tonight and arms, mingled his tears with hers, and asked, 'Alas! Heart of my
always, I will do whatever you command.’ body! What ails you so suddenly? Why are you so distressed?
The lady went home and prepared her chamber with her dresses Ah! Tell me the reason, my soul.' The lady let him continue for a
and other items, and arranged a grand supper. Salabaetto arrived while, then said, 'Alas! Sweet my lord, I don't know what to do
as soon as it was dark, received a warm welcome, and enjoyed or say. I just received a letter from Messina, in which my brother
an excellent supper. Afterward, they went to the chamber, bids me sell everything I have here and send him a thousand
where he was greeted by a sweet odor of aloe-wood and saw florins of gold within eight days, or he will forfeit his head. I don't
that the bed was profusely furnished with birds, in the fashion of know how to get them so soon. If I had fifteen days, I could raise
Cyprus, and many fine dresses were hanging on the pegs. These the money or sell one of our estates. But as this is not possible,
circumstances led him to believe that she must be a great and I wish I had been dead before this bad news reached me!' She
wealthy lady. Though he had heard hints to the contrary about pretended to be utterly broken-hearted and continued to weep.
her life, he refused to believe them. He thought that even if
she had deceived others, it wouldn't happen to him. So, to his Salabaetto, whose passion had deprived him of the sagacity the
great solace, he lay with her that night and grew even more circumstances demanded, believed her tears and words were
passionate for her. genuine. He said, 'Madam, I can't give you a thousand, but if five
hundred florins of gold would suffice, they are at your service if
The Decameron