Page 213 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 213

with  or  exchanged.  The  lady  agreed  that this  was reasonable   prove, but at least we shall have in you a fair one. Be it your care,
            and excellent security. The next morning, she sent for a trusted   then, that you exercise your authority in a manner answerable
            broker, discussed the matter with him, and gave him a thousand   to your charms.' With that, she resumed her seat.
            florins of gold. The broker took the money to Salabaetto, and
            they had all his goods at the customs house entered in the   Not so much to receive the crown as to be commended to
            broker's name. They made out the necessary documents, and   her face and before the company for what ladies covet most,
            the arrangement was concluded.                         Emilia was a little bashful. A tint like that of a newly-blown rose
                                                                   spread over her face, and she stood silent with downcast eyes
            Salabaetto wasted no time getting aboard a ship with his five   for a while. Then, as the blush faded, she raised her eyes and,
            hundred florins of gold. He went to Naples, sent a remittance to   having given her seneschal her commands regarding all matters
            fully discharge his obligation to his masters who had entrusted   pertaining to the company, spoke: 'Sweet my ladies, it is common
            him with the goods, paid all he owed to Pietro dello Canigiano   experience that when oxen have worked part of the day under
            and his other creditors, and had a good laugh with Canigiano over   the yoke, they are relieved and allowed to seek their pasture
            the trick he had played on the Sicilian lady. He then left Naples,   at their own will in the woods. We also observe that gardens
            intending to leave mercantile affairs behind, and went to Ferrara.  luxuriant with diverse foliage are far more beautiful than woods
                                                                   with only oaks. Therefore, I deem that, as our discourse has been
            Jancofiore, surprised at first by Salabaetto's disappearance from   confined within certain bounds for so many days, it will be both
            Palermo, grew suspicious after a while. When she had waited fully   fitting and beneficial for us, needing relaxation, to roam freely for
            two months and saw that he did not return, she had the broker   a while and so regain our strength to bear the yoke once more.
            break open the store-rooms. Trying the casks first, she found
            them full of sea-water, with perhaps a hog's-head of oil floating   Thus, I am minded that tomorrow your discourse should not be
            on the surface in each. Then, undoing the bales, she found them   confined to any particular theme, but that you be at liberty to
            all, except two that contained goods, full of tow. In short, their   speak as each sees fit. I am confident that speaking of diverse
            entire contents were worth no more than two hundred florins.   matters will be no less pleasurable than limiting ourselves to
                                                                   one topic. By this freedom, my successor in sovereignty will
            Realizing she had been outdone, Jancofiore bitterly regretted the   find you more vigorous and be more inclined to reimpose the
            five hundred florins of gold she had refunded and the thousand   usual restraint of our laws.' Having said this, she dismissed the
            she had lent, often repeating to herself: 'Who with a Tuscan has   company until supper-time.
            to do, had need of eyesight quick and true.' Thus, left with the
            loss and the laugh against her, she discovered that there were   All approved the wisdom of the queen's words and, rising,
            others as cunning as she.                              went to their various diversions: the ladies to weave garlands
                                                                   and otherwise amuse themselves, the young men to play and
            No sooner was Dioneo's story ended than Lauretta, knowing her   sing. Thus, they whiled away the hours until supper-time. When
            reign was over, praised Pietro Canigiano for his good counsel   it came, they gathered around the fair fountain and took their
            and Salabaetto for his equal sagacity in carrying it out. She then   meal with gay and festive cheer. Supper ended, they engaged
            took off the laurel wreath and placed it on Emilia's head, saying   in their usual pastime of song and dance.
            graciously, 'I know not, Madam, how debonair a queen you may

                                                                                                           The Decameron
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