Page 215 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 215
Emilia is indeed a captivating character in "The Decameron." She
loves attention and can be seen as Dioneo’s counterpart in many
ways. Her preoccupation with her own beauty, combined with her
penchant for dancing and singing at the end of her stories, often
draws the annoyance of some of the other women in the group.
This lively and self-assured demeanor sets her apart, much like
Dioneo's distinctive style.
On Day Nine, Emilia takes charge but does not prescribe a single
theme for the day's stories. This freedom allows the storytellers
to explore a variety of topics, showcasing their creativity and the
diversity of their experiences.
9 The Ninth Day
in which the storytellers tell
tales subjects freely chosen.
The Decameron