Page 212 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 212

The Decameron  displeasure. Such and so great is the love I bear you that I have   Having thus reinstated himself as her lover, he treated her as
            sold the best part of all that I possess. I already have merchandise
                                                                   his mistress, and she responded, doing all she could to please
            worth more than two thousand florins in this port and expect
                                                                   and honor him, pretending to be deeply in love with him. But
                                                                   Salabaetto, intending to repay her guile with his own, went to
            other goods worth above three thousand florins from the Levant.
                                                                   her one evening, invited to sup and sleep with her, looking so
            I plan to set up a warehouse in this city and live here to be ever
                                                                   melancholy and sorrowful that he seemed ready to give up the
            near you, for I deem myself more blessed in your love than any
            other lover that lives.’
                                                                   reason for his melancholy. After letting her insist for a while, he
                                                                   answered, 'I am undone. The ship carrying the goods I expected
            'Harkye, Salabaetto,' said the lady, 'whatever benefits you is   ghost. Jancofiore, as she embraced and kissed him, asked the
            very dear to me, seeing that I love you more than my very life. I   has been taken by the corsairs of Monaco and held for ransom at
            am glad you have come back with the intent to stay, for I hope   ten thousand florins of gold, of which I must pay one thousand.
            to have many good times with you. But I must say something by   I don't have a denier, for the five hundred you repaid me I sent
            way of excuse. While you were thinking of leaving, there were   to Naples to buy goods for this market. If I were to sell the
            times when you were disappointed not to see me, and others   merchandise I have here, as it's not the right time to sell, I would
            when you didn't receive as warm a welcome as you were used   get barely half its value. I'm not well known here yet, so I can't
            to. I also didn't repay your money on time. You must know that   find anyone to help me. I don't know what to do or say, but if
            I was then in great trouble and tribulation, and whoever is in   I don't send the money soon, my merchandise will be taken to
            such a state, no matter how much they love another, cannot   Monaco, and I will never see it again.'
            greet them with a cheerful face or be as attentive as they would
            like. You must also know that it's not easy for a lady to come   The lady was greatly annoyed, fearing she might lose everything,
            by a thousand florins of gold. Every day brings a new lie, and   and thought about how to prevent the goods from going to
            promises are never kept. So we must lie to others in turn. It was   Monaco. 'God knows,' she said, 'that for the love I bear you, I am
            for this reason, and not any fault of mine, that I didn't repay   very sorry for you. But what good is it to distress oneself idly? If
            your money. However, I had it a little while after you left, and if   I had the money, God knows I would lend it to you immediately,
            I had known where to send it, I would have remitted it to you.   but I don't have it. There is one person who lent me five hundred
            But since I didn't know, I kept it safe for you.' She then produced   florins a day or two ago, but he requires a heavy interest, not less
            a purse with the very same coins he had given her and placed   than thirty on the hundred. If you go to him, you will need good
            it in his hand, saying, 'Count and see if there are five hundred   security. I am ready to pledge all these dresses and myself for as
            there.' It was the happiest moment Salabaetto had yet known.   much as he will lend you, but how will you secure the balance?'

            After counting and finding the sum exact, he replied, 'Madam,   Salabaetto guessed that she intended to lend the money herself,
            I know you speak the truth, and what you have done proves it.   which suited his purpose well. He thanked her and said that,
            For the love I bear you, I assure you there is no sum you might   being constrained by necessity, he wouldn't refuse exorbitant
            ask of me in any time of need that I wouldn't provide if it were   terms. He added that he would secure the balance with the
            in my power. When I am settled here, you will be able to see   merchandise he had at the customs house by having it entered
            for yourself.'                                         in the lender's name, but he must keep the key to the storerooms
                                                                   to show the goods if requested and ensure none were tampered

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