Page 216 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 216
The Decameron The Ninth Day | The First Novell Madam, since it pleases you, I am happy to start in this vast field of discourse
that you, our Lady Bountiful, have provided. If I do well, I am sure those
Storyteller: Filomena
who follow will do even better. Sweet ladies, our discussions have often
highlighted the great and unique power of Love, but I doubt the topic is
A young scholar fell in love with a widow named Helena, who loved
exhausted. Even if we spoke of nothing else for a full year, there would still
another man. She made him wait in the freezing cold one night. In
be more to say. Love not only leads lovers to debate whether they should
revenge, he made her stand naked on a tower in July, where she
die but also draws them into the houses of the dead in search of the dead.
was sunburnt and bitten by wasps and flies. The scholar's actions
In this regard, I will tell you a story that shows the power of Love and how
were driven by his desire to teach Helena a lesson for her cruelty.
the quick wit of a worthy lady helped her rid herself of two unwanted suitors.
There once lived in the city of Pistoia a beautiful widow named Madonna
Francesca de' Lazzari. Two of our citizens, Rinuccio Palermini and
Alessandro Chiarmontesi, who were banished from Florence and staying in
Pistoia, both fell deeply in love with her without knowing about each other.
Each used all his skills to win her love. Francesca, constantly bombarded
with their messages and entreaties, found it difficult to extricate herself
discreetly when she wanted to be rid of their pestering. She came up with
a plan to require each of them to perform a task she deemed impossible,
so they would fail, giving her a reason to refuse their advances.
One day, a man named Scannadio, known to be the worst man in Pistoia
and hideously ugly, died and was buried in a tomb outside the church of
the Friars Minors. Francesca saw an opportunity in his death. She told her
maid to go to Alessandro and say, "Madonna Francesca sends word that
you can win her love if you do the following: Tonight, one of her relatives
will bring home the corpse of Scannadio, and she is terrified of seeing him.
She asks you to go to his tomb at the hour of first sleep, wrap yourself in
his grave-clothes, and lie there as if you were Scannadio until someone
comes for you. Say nothing, let them carry you to Francesca's house,
where she will welcome you and let you stay until you wish to leave. If you
agree, well and good; if not, never show yourself to her again and send
no more messages."
The maid then went to Rinuccio and said, "Madonna Francesca is ready
to comply with your wishes if you do her a great service: Tonight, around
midnight, go to the tomb where Scannadio was buried this morning. Without
saying a word, gently carry him to Francesca's house, where you will learn
why she asks this of you and have your solace. If you do not agree, never
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE). send her another message."
The Decameron