Page 218 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 218

The Decameron  The Ninth Day | The Second Novell         the abbess who was the superior of the nun I am about to speak of.
                                                                   You should know that in a convent in Lombardy, known for its
            Storyteller: Elissa
                                                                   strict and holy living, there was a young woman of noble family and
                                                                   extraordinary beauty among the other ladies who wore the veil. Her
            Madame Usimbalda, Lady Abbess of a Monastery in Lombardy,
                                                                   name was Isabetta. One day, while speaking to one of her relatives
            hastily arose one night to catch a nun with a young gentleman. The
                                                                   at the grate, she fell in love with a handsome young man who was
            Abbess, herself in bed with a priest, mistakenly put on the priest's
            breeches instead of her veil. The nun pointed out the error, leading
                                                                   he was equally smitten. They bore this mutual and unfulfilled love
            to her absolution and greater liberty with her friend.  with him. Seeing her beauty and reading her passion in her eyes,
                                                                   for a long time, suffering greatly. Eventually, the young man found
                                                                   a way to secretly visit her, and she agreed. He visited her many
                                                                   times, bringing them both great joy.

                                                                   One night, however, one of the sisters saw him leaving Isabetta's
                                                                   cell, though neither he nor Isabetta realized they had been
                                                                   discovered. The sister told several others. At first, they wanted to
                                                                   report her to the abbess, Madonna Usimbalda, who was known to
                                                                   be a good and holy woman. But they decided it would be better
                                                                   to catch Isabetta in the act to leave no room for denial. So they
                                                                   kept  watch,  planning  to  catch  her  unawares.  Unaware  of  their
                                                                   plan, Isabetta continued her meetings with her lover. One night,
                                                                   the sisters on watch saw him leave her cell and decided it was the
                                                                   right time. They split into two groups: one guarded the threshold
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               of Isabetta's cell, while the other went to the abbess's chamber,
                                                                   knocked on the door, woke her up, and said: "Get up, Madam,
                                                                   without delay. We have discovered that Isabetta has a young man
                                                                   with her in her cell."
            So ended Filomena; and when all had praised the lady's cleverness
            in getting rid of the two lovers she didn't care for, and criticized the   That night, the abbess had a priest with her, whom she often had
            recklessness of the two lovers as madness rather than love, the   brought to her in a chest. When the sisters reported what they had
            queen turned to Elisa and, with a charming air, said: "Now, Elisa,   seen, the abbess, fearing they might force the door open in their
            it's your turn." Elisa began: "Dearest ladies, it was cleverly done   zeal, quickly got up. In the dark, she hurriedly put on her clothes,
            by Madonna Francesca to free herself in the way we heard, but I   and instead of the veil they usually wore, she grabbed the priest's
            have a story about a young nun who, with a quick response and   breeches and put them on her head. She locked the door behind
            the favor of Fortune, saved herself from imminent danger. As you   her and said, "Where is this woman accursed of God?" Guided by
            know, there are many foolish people who, despite their folly, take   the sisters, who were so eager to catch Isabetta in the act that
            it upon themselves to govern and correct others. My story shows   they didn't notice the abbess's unusual headgear, she made her
            that Fortune sometimes justly puts them to shame, as happened to   way to the cell. With their help, she broke open the door and found

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