Page 198 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 198

The Decameron  guilt. Had I not confided in you, you could not have avenged yourself on   dance and joust skillfully. But those who are now more mature were once
            me, which you seem to have desired so ardently. Turn from your wrath
                                                                   like them and possess knowledge the young ones have yet to acquire.
            and pardon me. If you pardon me and get me down from here, I will gladly
                                                                   You think they ride better and cover more miles in a day than older men.
                                                                   They may dust the pelisse with more vigor, but their seniors, being more
            give up my faithless lover forever, and you shall be my sole lover and lord.
                                                                   experienced, know better where the fleas lurk. A spare and dainty diet
            Though you say harsh things about my beauty, slight and short-lived as
                                                                   is preferable to abundance without savor. Hard trotting will gall and jade
            you claim it to be, it is to be prized, if for no other reason, yet for this: it
            is the admiration, solace, and delight of young men, and you are not yet
            old. Though you have treated me harshly, I cannot believe you would have
                                                                   later to the inn, at least brings one there fresh. You do not see, witless
                                                                   creatures that you are, how much evil this little show of bravery hides.
            me do myself so shamefully to death as to cast myself down like some   even the youngest, whereas an easy pace, though it brings one somewhat
            abandoned wretch before your eyes, in which, unless you were then, as   Your young gallant is never content with one woman but lusts after as
            you have since shown yourself, a liar, I found such favor. Have pity on   many as he sees. He deems himself worthy of any woman, so their love
            me for God's and mercy's sake! The sun is exceedingly hot, and having   cannot be lasting, as you have now proved and may witness. They think
            suffered from the cold of last night, I am now sorely afflicted by the heat."  it their due to be worshipped and caressed by their ladies and boast
                                                                   proudly of their conquests. This impertinence has caused many women
            "Madam," rejoined the scholar, who held her in conversation with no small   to surrender to friars, who keep their own counsel. Perhaps you will say
            delight, "it was not for any love you bore me that you trusted me, but to   that no one but your maid and I knew of your loves. If so, you have been
            recover what you had lost, for which you deserve greater punishment.   misinformed, and if you believe it, you are mistaken. Scarce anything
            Foolish indeed are you if you suppose that was the only means available   else is talked of in either his quarter or yours, but most often, those most
            for my revenge. I had a thousand others, and while I pretended to love   concerned are the last to hear. Moreover, these young gallants rob you,
            you, I laid a thousand traps for your feet, into one or another of which you   whereas the others make you presents. Having made a bad choice, be
            would have fallen in no long time, even if this had not occurred, causing   his to whom you have given yourself and leave me, whom you flouted,
            you more grievous suffering and shame. It was not to spare you but to   to another. I have found a lady of much greater charms than yours, who
            be sooner rejoiced by your discomfiture that I took my present course.   has understood me better than you did. To ensure you go to the other
            Even if all other means had failed me, I still had the pen, with which I   world better informed of my desires than you seem to be here by my
            would have written of you such matters and in such a way that when you   words, delay no more but cast yourself down. Your soul, taken forthwith
            read them, you would have regretted a thousand times that you were   into the embrace of the Devil, may see whether your headlong fall afflicts
            ever born. The might of the pen is far greater than those who have not   my eyes. But since I doubt you mean to gladden me thus, if you find the
            experienced it suppose. By God, I swear, so may He, who has prospered   sun scorching you, remember the cold you caused me to endure, which
            me thus far in my revenge, prosper me to the end! I would have written   may temper the sun's heat."
            of you things that would have so shamed you in your own sight, not to
            speak of others', that you would have put out your eyes to avoid seeing   The hapless lady, seeing that the scholar's words were ever to the
            yourself. Do not chide the sea for sending forth a tiny rivulet. For your love,   same ruthless effect, burst into tears again and said, "Since nothing that
            or whether you are mine or not, I care nothing. Be his, whose you have   pertains to me may move you, be moved by the love you bear this lady
            been, if you can. Hate him as I once did; I now love him because of his   you speak of, who you say is wiser than I and loves you. For love of her,
            present treatment of you. You women go getting yourselves enamored,   pardon me, fetch me my clothes, and let me get down from here." The
            and nothing will satisfy you but young gallants because you see their   scholar laughed and, seeing it was past tierce, replied, "I know not how
            flesh is ruddier, their beards are blacker, they carry themselves well, and   to deny you, adjuring me by such a lady. Tell me where your clothes are,

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