Page 195 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 195
himself and replied calmly, "It was the worst night I ever spent, but I the ill-treatment she had nearly caused him, opened her heart to him
understood that the lady was not to blame. She came down to make and begged him to help her achieve her desire. "Madam," replied the
her excuses and comfort me. As you say, what didn't happen tonight scholar, "it is true that among other knowledge I acquired in Paris was
will happen another time. Please commend me to her, and goodbye." necromancy, of which I know all that can be known. But as it is highly
Nearly paralyzed with cold, he went home as best he could. Weary and displeasing to God, I swore never to practice it for my own or anyone
almost dead with drowsiness, he threw himself on his bed and fell into a else's benefit. It is also true that the love I bear you is such that I cannot
deep sleep. When he awoke, he found he had almost lost the use of his refuse you anything. So, even if this single attempt would consign me to
arms and legs. He sent for physicians, told them about his chill, and had hell, I would do it to please you. But I must tell you that it is not as easy
them care for his health. Though they treated him with active and drastic as you might think, especially when a woman wants to regain a man's
remedies, it took them some time and effort to restore his muscles' usual love or vice versa. It must be done by the person themselves, at night,
pliancy. Indeed, but for his youth and the milder weather, it would have in lonely places, and alone, requiring a stout heart. I don't know if you
gone very hard for him. are willing to comply with these conditions." The lady, too enamored to
be discreet, replied, "Love goads me so shrewdly that there is nothing
However, he did recover his health and vigor, and nursing his enmity, I wouldn't do to bring back the one who wrongfully deserted me. But
pretended to be more enamored of the widow than ever before. Fortune tell me, what do I need this stout heart for?" "Madam," said the spiteful
soon provided him with an opportunity to satisfy his resentment. The scholar, "I will fashion an image of the one you want to lure back. When I
gallant whom the widow loved became enamored of another lady and send you the image, you must dip yourself and the image seven times in
no longer cared to please the widow in any way. She now pined in tears a flowing stream, stark naked, when the moon is well on the wane. You
and bitterness of spirit. Her maid, who sympathized with her and didn't must do this alone, around the hour of first sleep. Afterwards, still naked,
know how to lift her spirits, saw the scholar passing by as he used to. She you must climb a tree or a deserted house, face the North with the image
had the silly idea that the lady's lover might be induced to return to her in your hand, and say certain words I will give you in writing seven times.
through some necromantic practice, which she believed the scholar must When you have done this, two of the fairest damsels you have ever seen
be adept at. She shared this idea with her mistress. The lady, not very will come to you, greet you graciously, and ask what you desire. You will
sensible, never considering that if the scholar were adept in necromancy, tell them frankly and fully what you want, making no mistake in the name.
he would have used it for his own benefit, listened to her maid and asked After you have said everything, they will depart. You may then descend,
her to find out if the scholar would use his skill to help her. She assured return to where you left your clothes, dress, and go home. Rest assured
him that if he did, she would do whatever he wanted. The maid faithfully that before the next midnight, your lover will come to you in tears, beg
delivered the message. The scholar, upon hearing it, thought to himself, your pardon and mercy, and never desert you for another woman again."
"Praised be Thy name, O God, that the time has come when, with Thy
help, I may be avenged upon this wicked woman for the wrong she did The lady believed the scholar's words completely and, thinking her lover
me in return for the great love I bore her." He then told the maid, "Tell as good as in her arms again, recovered half her spirits. "Make no doubt,"
my lady to set her mind at ease. Even if her lover were in India, I would she said, "that I will do as you say. I am fortunate, for in upper Val d'Arno, I
bring him here to beg her pardon for his offense. I await her pleasure to have an estate by the river, and it is now July, so bathing will be delightful.
make known the course she should take, when and where she thinks fit. And I remember there is a little tower not far from the river, deserted
Tell her to be of good cheer." The maid carried his answer to her mistress except for occasional visits by shepherds who climb it to look for their
and arranged for them to meet in the church of Santa Lucia of Prato. strayed sheep. It is a lonely place, perfect for your instructions." Pleased
There, the lady and the scholar conversed apart. The lady, oblivious to to be sure of the lady's intention, the scholar, who knew her estate and
the tower well, replied, "I have never been to those parts, Madam, and
The Decameron