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(invented), etc. The author of   paint layers. relining refers   parts of a specially prepared   etc.; at one time it may also
     an engraving itself is described   strictly to a second or subse-  black background.   have contained a cartouche.
     most frequently by: sculpsit,   quent lining, in which the old   LItHoGraPHIC WasH  A larger lower margin may
     sculp., sc., incisit, incidit or inc.   lining is removed and replaced.  A process used in lithography   be kept simply to balance the
     (engraved); or equally by: fecit,   LINoCUt  for obtaining the effects of a   print within the sheet of paper.
     fee., fe., ft., or f. (made) which   An abbreviation of linoleum cut.   wash drawing. It has also been   The size of the margins also
     also applies to the craftsman of   The technique is a derivation of   known as a lithotint. It must not   depends on the format of the
     a print in any other technique.   the woodcut but owing to the   be confused with a lithographic   paper. Margins were usually
     Perfecit signifies the comple-  supple, relatively soft proper-  aquatint in which the grain   clipped until the eighteenth
     tion of the work, possibly by   ties of the material, linocuts   is more marked. The color is   century, and from the beginning
     a second engraver. The name   have different characteristics.   applied with a dabber.   of the nineteenth their exis-
     of the publisher has for a long   The material takes all types of   LItHoGraPHy  tence came to be regarded as
     time been accompanied by   lines, but is most suited to large   With woodcutting and intaglio   an important factor in assess-
     excudit, excud. Or excudebat,   designs with contrasting dark   engraving, this is one of the   ing the commercial value of a
     and more recently by chez or   and light flat tints. The material   oldest methods of printmaking.   print. If clipped, the impression
     the Italian version appresso.   is cut with small pen-like tools   It dates from the end of the   would be worth less, particu-
     The name of the printer is   which have a mushroom-  eighteenth century. It is based   larly if printed on fine quality
     followed by formis and that of   shaped handle. The tools have   on the chemical fact that there   paper. restored margins are
     the lithographic printer by lith.   a variety of forms: straight and   is a natural antipathy between   known as false margins.
     Artists who print their own   rounded edge, double-pointed,   grease and water. The  image is   MarK
     prints may inscribe after their   as a chisel  or a Vshaped chisel,   drawn on a stone with a greasy   1. Particular sign serving as the
     signature imp. Or impressit.   etc. As on a woodcut, the relief   ink which is dark in color only   artist’s signature on a print.
     On some old French prints, the   parts of the block are inked.   to aid the draughtsman with his   2. A vignette, sometimes
     name of the dealer or trades-  For printing a large number of   work, The stone is then thor-  accompanied by a motto, that
     man is found preceded by se   important proofs, the lino is   oughly dampened; the water   publishers used to place either
     vend chez. Copyrights granted   attached to a wooden block.   remains on the ungreased   on the title page or at the end
     to engravers were expressed by   Color printing is done with   areas only. The printing ink is   of a book.
     A.P.d.r. Or C.P.r. (French royal   several lino blocks.  applied with a roller: it adheres   3. A stamp or collectors mark
     privileges) and by Published   LItH    only to the greased parts.   that identifies a prior owner of
     According to Act of Parliament   Abbreviation of lithographer.   Lightly dampened paper is then   a work, usually placed on the
     in england (from 1735).  In the nineteenth century it   placed over the surface of the   back of the print or drawing.
     LIGHt-staINING      preceded the name of the   image, followed by a protective   Mat
     A print which has been exposed   printer at the base of numerous   sheet. stone and paper are   In the framing of works of art on
     to the light, over a long period,   lithographs.  passed through a flat-bed   paper, the mat is a cardboard
     without any protection,   LItHoGraPH   scraper press.  Lithographic   with a cutout window placed
     becomes dusty and dirty and   Along with woodcutting and   printing is a delicate opera-  over the work to keep it a
     acquires a stained appearance.  intaglio engraving, this is   tion necessitating a careful   distance away from the glass or
     LINe                one of the oldest methods of   preparation of the stone and   other glazing material.
     This refers to any line as it   printmaking.   a particular kind of inking. The   MeZZotINt
     appears on an impression,   LItHoGraPHIC eNGraVING  prints are not marked by the   An intaglio printing process.
     whether taken from the inked   engravings can be produced   effect of the press as in intaglio   The work is done in two stages.
     or uninked parts of the printing   on a lithographic stone by a   printing, although a slight mark   A metal plate is initially grained
     element; as well as to the inci-  variety of preparations. The   indicating the edge of the stone   by working over it systemati-
     sions made in a plate or block,   lines achieved slightly resemble   is sometimes visible. Transfer   cally with a spiked tool known
     and the marks on a lithographic   those of a steel engraving.   methods can be used to avoid   as the rocker; this creates a
     stone.              The technique lies half way   the difficulties involved in   multitude of fine dots all over
     sIMPLe LINe         between planographic and   moving heavy stones round   its surface. If inked,  the plate
     A single line, i.e. one that has   intaglio printing.   a studio. The drawings are   would print a rich black. The
     not been strengthened by suc-  LItHoGraPHIC etCHING  made on transfer paper which   second stage of the process
     cessive stages of cutting.  A polished lithographic stone   is grained, or on autographic   consists in smoothing away
     LINe eNGraVING      can also be used for etching.   paper which is smooth, and   parts of the roughned surface
     A term sometimes used to   The surface is covered with   then transferred to the stone.   with the aid of a scraper and a
     specify an engraving made with   liquid ground such as is used   Lithographic methods have also   burnisher in order to create the
     the burin.          for intaglio printing. After   been adapted to metal plates   white and highlighted parts of
     LINING or reLINING  drying, the drawing is done with   (grained zinc and aluminium).   the resulting print.The scraping
     The process of adhering a   a blunt needle. A dilute acid is   Lithographic color printing is   of the plate is a skillful job;
     reinforcing fabric to the back of   used as a mordant. n.B. This   done with several stones (or   delicate tonal transitions can
     a canvas painting, giving it new   must not be confused with the   metal plates), one for each   be obtained if it is done well,
     strength and durability. There   etching used in lithography to   color   but the flat appearance of some
     are two types of adhesives   fix the image to the stone.   MarGIN  mezzotints is an indication of
     used: in glue lining, an aqueous   LItHoGraPHIC MeZZotINt  Unprinted parts surrounding   the difficulties involved. This
     glue composition is used; in the   A method which is akin to   the design. generally the two   flatness is also caused by the
     wax-resin process an adhesive   mezzotint in metal engraving   lateral margins are of equal   fact that  mezzotint plates
     composition based on beeswax   although it does not attain quite   length; the upper and lower   wear down very quickly. Color
     is employed. In all cases, the   the same quality. Various meth-  margins may be equal but   mezzotints can be printed with
     infusion of the adhesive into   ods of working the stone exist   the latter is sometimes larger   several plates, one for each
     voids in the paint layers serves   of which the aim is to create the   in order to allow space for   color.
     also to consolidate weakened   white areas by scraping away   signature, numeration, title,   MIXoGraPHy (MIXOgrAPH)
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