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only a very small number of   reCePtIVIty  condition, to a satisfactory   ably modified and ameliorated,
     impressions, numeration and   In printing terminology, a sur-  aesthetic state. restoration is   has become one of the four
     a certificate of authenticity will   face is said to be receptive if it   now considered an aspect of   most important methods of
     make it qualify.    retains the ink well. The word is   conservation.  modern printing. Contemporary
     PrINtING            applied to the rollers, the paper,   reVerse, IN  artists have made much use of
     The action of making a print   or the plates to be inked. Too   1. The design of a print is   it as a printmaking technique.
     on a support, whether it be of   much ink makes the impression   always drawn in the reverse   The principle of screenprinting
     paper or of any other material,   heavy and thick, too little will   sense on the block, plate or   consists in applying stencils to
     from a block, plate or stone or   render it pale and irregular.   stone, so that it will print the   a screen (constructed of silk or
     through a screen, in any of the   receptivity is also applicable   correct way round.   of some synthetic or metallic
     printmaking procedures.   to the rubber rollers used in   2. An image is reversed in all   material), in such a way that
     PrINtING eLeMeNt    offset lithography, as well as   printing procedures except   when ink is applied it is pre-
     The part which is inked and   to a freshly glued surface in its   screenprinting. The engraver,   vented from passing through
     produces the impression when   “receptivity” of the other sur-  lithographer or woodcutter   some parts whilepenetrating
     printed, i.e. the block, plate,   face which is to adhere to it.   must, accordingly, always   the rest of the screen, thereby
     stone or screen.    reCto              work in reverse to his original   printing an image on paper
     Proof               1. The front of an object.   design; a mirror is sometimes   placed underneath. The screen
     In a general sense, this word   2. The right hand page of an   employed as an aid.   is stretched across a frame
     has been used to indicate any   open book or manuscript.  reWorK  and attached to a base in such
     impression of a print. strictly   reGIstratIoN  When part of the printing ele-  a manner that it can readily
     speaking, it should be limited   Owing to the number of plates   ment has been corrected or   move up and down, so that
     to those impressions pulled   or blocks, etc., used in color   touched up.  paper can be easily placed and
     by the artist to prove or test   printing, a careful registration is   roULette  removed as required. For each
     his work, whether before or   required to ensure that    An engraver’s tool, having a   impression, the paper is placed
     after completion of the block,   each element prints in the   revolving circular head, with   against registration tabs to
     plate,etc.          correct position. The method of   either a single serrated edge   ensure that the printing is done
     Proof Before LetterING  doing it varies according to the   (the simple roulette), or a   in the correct position. The ink
     An impression taken before   technique. In intaglio printing   wider surface dotted or lined   is poured over the masking
     the lettering (dedication, title,   and lithography, needles are   in a variety of forms. It is used   at one end of the screen and
     names of artist, engraver, etc.)   pierced through the paper into   in some of the dot processes   when this has been lowered
     has been engraved.   holes, specially placed for this   (see: stipple, crayon manner)   into position, the ink is scraped
     Proof WItH LetterING  purpose in the plate or stone.   with the aim of creating areas   across the screen with the
     The lettering comprises all the   reLIef  of tone on an impression;   aid of a squeegee. The most
     writing underneath or above   As opposed to intaglio and   may be used either directly   important part of the process is
     the design on the plate, block,   planographic printing, the black   on the metal plate or through   the preparation of the screen.
     etc. Impressions are sometimes   areas of an impression taken   the intervention of an etching   stencils may be applied in a
     taken on intaglio plates with   from a block cut in relief are   ground. A tool similar to the   variety of ways, including the
     scratched letters before the let-  made by inking the raised parts,   simple roulette was used,   use of filling-in liquid, varnish
     tering is properly engraved, or   thereby leaving the furrows to   particularly in the nineteenth   or plastic film. A drawing
     with it only partly inscribed.   print white.   century, to perforate draw-  can be made directly on the
     Proof (WItH reMarQUes)  reProdUCtIoN   ings (see: pricking); and, in   surface with a special ink which
     A “remarque” is a scribbled   Before the introduction of   letterpress, to make dotted   is removed in readiness for
     sketch made by the artist   photography, a work was   lines on sheets destined to be   printing after the rest of the
     outside his main design which   reproduced by either copying it   detached.  screen has been blocked out. A
     is eliminated later for printing   identically, or interpreting it as   royaL  photographic stencil is made by
     the main edition.   closely as possible if a different   A format of paper (620 X 500   initiallysensitizing the screen.
     ProVeNaNCe          technique to that of the original   mm.).  sIGHt edGe
     A history of ownership. The   was used. engraving, wood   rUBBING  This refers to the work of art
     provenance of some works of   engraving and lithography were   A method of taking an impres-  visible to the viewer. The actual
     art can be traced back to the   the most common methods   sion from a relief block with a   edge of a painting or drawing
     time that they were made.  of reproduction. A print is   leather rubber or a burnisher   may be concealed by the frame
     PULP                therefore termed reproductive   used manually on the verso-of   or mat.
     The fibrous substance resulting   if it is made by someone other   the paper. rubbing in lithogra-  sILKsCreeN
     from the pulping process in   than the artist of the original   phy. 1. rubbing ink is a soft ink   The term usually used in
     papermaking.        design, as opposed to an   applied directly to the stone   America for screenprinting.
     raKING LIGHt        original print which is made by   with the fingertip when drawing   sIZING
     The technique of illumination   the artist himself. These distinc-  the design.   A substance added to paper
     of the surface of a work of art   tions are many times blurred   2. A crayon or ink drawing may   to create a degree of water
     (painting) at one side, and at a   in contemporary print-making   be rubbed with a stump or a   resistance.
     very low (grazing) angle, which   where it seems that these days   brush to create a soft effect.  soft-GroUNd etCHING
     accentuates through shadow   anything goes.  sCreeN        One of the etching processes
     effects the contours, texture,   restoratIoN  The printing element in screen-  which aims to simulate the
     and other features. damage   Usually refers to corrective   printing. It is made by stretch-  effects of a chalk or crayon
     such as cracks, losses, cleav-  and restorative measures to   ing material (silk, nylon, metal   drawing (see: crayon manner).
     ages, show up clearly in this   compensate for damages,   mesh, etc.) over a frame.  The plate is initially covered
     manner.             deterioration and other defects.   sCreeNPrINtING  with a soft ground. The drawing
     reaM                An attempt is made to return   An ancient method of oriental   is made with a hard crayon on
     480 sheets of paper.  the work, if not to its original   printmaking which, consider-  paper which has been pressed
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