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term designates a system of   from the fifteenth century.   make a pile of fresh impression   faCsIMILe
     fissures that develop with the   small round holes were   with interleaving sheets.  1. A print which is an exact
     aging of the materials, or as a   stamped with a punch and   dryPoINt  copy of an original design, i.e. a
     result of environmental action   hammer into a metal plate   A method of intaglio engraving   “reproductive” print as opposed
     (expansion, contraction of the   which was then inked and   on metal.  to an “original” print.
     support), or a combination   printed as a relief block or   eMBossING  2. In a more specific sense it
     of both. There are various rec-  metalcut. The stamped work   A printmaking method in which   refers to the exact reproduc-
     ognized systems of cracks, or   appears as white dots sur-  a design is impressed into   tion of a line drawing in wood
     craquelure, which result from   rounded by black and gives a   paper without the use of any   engraving (as opposed to
     both natural and environmental   crude effect of tone.  ink, creating a heavily raised   its  interpretation in a brush
     causes, and are characteristic   dot WorK  surface area.    or wash technique) and was
     too of the artist’s technique   A loose description of the sur-  eNGraVer  particularly popular in the nine-
     and materials.      face of any metal plate, either   1. One who practices engraving.  teenth century. Photomechani-
     CrayoN              relief (see: dotted manner) or   2. The specialist who engraved   cal processes are also used for
     Various types of crayon are   intaglio, which has been dotted   on the stone in lithographic   obtaining facsimiles.
     used in printmaking. The greasy   or grained in a manner such as   engraving: a technique which   fadING
     lithographic crayon is made   to create an impression of tone   was popular when lithography    The gradation of a tint in an
     with a natural grease or a   when printed. The dots can   had a larger industry than it has   imperceptible manner.
     chemical. A corrective crayon is   be achieved either by working   today. see: lithography.   faLse MarGINs
     used in lithography to remove   directly on the plate or by etch-  3. In photogravure, the line   A print may not have normal
     lines or blemishes.  ing through a ground.  engraver specializes in the   margins for a variety of
     daBBer              doUBLe IMaGe       etching process.     reasons. In this case, it may be
     There are various types of   A printing error which causes   eNGraVING  mounted on a larger sheet of
     dabbers used in printmaking.   the image of the print to appear   In a general sense, the word   paper  which provides it with
     The inking dabber, a round tool,   twice. It occurs if the paper   covers all works of art or indus-  false margins.
     with a wide base, is covered in   falls out of alignment as a result   try (both plate and impression)   “feCIt”
     leather of fine skin; it is used for   of not being properly secured   which use incision as means of    sometimes found after the
     inking the incisions on an inta-  during one or, more likely, two   marking the design.  name of the engraver or maker
     glio plate and the relief areas   passages through the press.   eNVIroNMeNt  at the base of a print, meaning
     on a wood block. A dabber is   The blankets may also cause   In the context of conservation   the artist whose name it
     also used for laying the ground:   the paper to move if not prop-  and deterioration studies, these   follows “made it.”
     it is half-moon shaped, stuffed   erly fixed.  terms refer to physical effects   feLt
     with cotton and covered in silk.   dryING  of the environment, such as   Woollen or cotton material used
     In lithography, a type of wash   1. The layer of ink on a freshly   humidity, temperature, light,   for packing round the printing
     is applied to the stone with a   printed sheet can dry in one of   pollutants of the atmosphere.  rollers.
     dabber made of a ball of cotton   three different ways: by evapo-  etCHer  fIBer fILL
     covered with fine skin.  ration of the solvent that main-  An engraver who practices the   Utilizing paper pulp to complete
     daMPeNING           tains the ink in a liquid form; by   etching process.  losses in a sheet of paper.
     1. Paper is often moistened   penetration of the paper; or by   etCHING  fILLet
     before printing as this makes it   oxidation on contact with the   One of the most important   1. A spacer device placed
     more flexible when contact is   air. Inks used in relief, intaglio   methods of intaglio engraving.  between the glazing and
     made with the block, plate, etc.,   and lithographic printing dry by   etCHING “A la Plume”.  the mount in a frame which
     and also ensures better recep-  penetrating the paper and by   A method of intaglio printing in   prohibits the glazing material
     tivity of the ink. 2. In lithography   oxidation; those used in pho-  which a pen and ink drawing is   from coming in contact with the
     and offset lithography the   togravure dry by evaporation   made on a clean metal plate.   artwork.
     surface of the stone must be   and by penetration. The greasy   When this has dried, the entire   2. An ornamental wood molding
     thoroughly dampened before   inks used in screenprinting dry   surface is covered with a light   put outside the image and
     the printing ink is applied. This   by oxidizing and by penetrating   aquatint ground and placed   inside the matting of a framed
     prevents the ink from adhering   the paper; cellulose and water-  in an acid bath which has the   work of art.
     to the nongreased parts.  based inks also dry by evapora-  effect of removing the ground   fIrst edItIoN
     deaCIdIfy           tion and by penetration. 2.   where it is to be found over   The earliest edition of a book or
     To chemically stabilize acidic   The drying of paper: in intaglio   the ink. The plate can then be   a print to be taken.
     paper; can be either an aque-  and  lithographic printing, the   bitten as for a normal etching.   fLaKING
     ous or non-aqueous treatment.  paper is dampened before an   The technique is difficult to do   Loss of small islands of paint,
     deCKLe edGe         impression is taken. It is then   well, and was much improved   or other surface material, or
      The rough uneven edge on   flattened by laying it between   by the sugar-lift process.   even ground layers following
     handmade paper and on   sheets of cardboard and dried   “eX-LIBrIs”  cleavage, blistering, or buckling
     some good quality machine   in a press for at least twelve   An owner’s mark placed in a   action in paintings or similar
     made paper which has been   hours. 3. Methods of drying: in   book, usually on the inside of   works of art.
     leftuntrimmed.      most techniques, an  electric   the cover. engraved ones have   fLatteNING
      dIsINteGratIoN of PaPer  drier propelling hot or cold air is   been used since the fifteenth   A restoration procedure involv-
     Printing error which occurs if   used. In screenprinting, freshly   century.  ing controlled humidification
     paper that has been exces-  printed sheets have to be   eXPaNsIoN  and controlled drying under
     sively dampened is put in the   placed on specially constructed   The result of change in the   pressure.
     press. It becomes attached to   racks, as it i more important   dimension of a sheet of paper   forMat
     the plate and disintegrates.  for them to be kept well apart   due to excess humidity; more   Plates, blocks and screens,
     dotter MaNNer       when drying than in other tech-  pronounced across the grain   sheets of paper, film and
     A method of engraving dating   niques. Usually  is sufficient to   than with it.  negatives often have recurrent
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