Page 194 - Art-Addiction
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terMs alkaline pH; it should also have Part of a press on which the decoration layers.
good aging properties. plate or block rests during BUrIN eNGraVING
aBraded aQUatINt printing. In a lithographic press, Also known as line engraving.
Having a worn or rubbed A process of intaglio engraving the bed is a mobile element BUrNIsHING
appearance as a result of on metal. which transports stone to a The operation of smoothing
mechanical or chemical action. artIst’s Proof position beneath the scraper out the grain in the mezzotint
An abrasion is a localized A proof reserved for the artist or roller. process with the aid of the
abraded area. outside the main edition. This BeVeLLING burnisher, a polished steel
aCId free may be noted in the margin The edges of intaglio plates are tool with a large round head.
A paper product having a pH (e.A. on French prints means bevelled to ensure that they do It is also used on metal plates
level of 7 or above. “(epreuve d’ artiste”). some not cut the paper in the press. where corrections are required.
aCIdIC artists number these proofs. A true bevel is only necessary BUrr
In paper, an unstable state “Fine” proof. A definitive proof if the plate is more than a mil- The cutting action of a tool
whereby the molecular struc- taken with particular care, limeter thick, otherwise a light across a metal plate causes
ture of the paper breaks down, on high quality paper, with rounding off is sufficient. rough ridges known as “burr”
causing discoloration and margins. Oil proof. In the past, BItING to be thrown up on either side
weakening of the sheet. printers cleaned the plate with The process of (1) corroding of the incision. The ridges left
aCryLIC an oil-rubber and then pulled a design on a metal plate in by a burin are quite small and
refers to a class of syn- an impression from it to ensure either intaglio (e.g. etching) or are removed with the scraper;
thetic polymeric resins used that no ink remained in the inci- relief (e.g. line block); and (2) the drypoint creates a large
extensively in emulsion paints, sions. Printer’s proof. A proof fixing the image on the stone or burr, which retains the ink and
varnishes and adhesive reserved for the printer. signed metal plate in lithography (see: prints an area of rich tone - the
formulations. In sheet form the proof. One which has been reinforcing). It is done with a particular characteristic of this
acrylic resins bear trade names signed by the artist. smoke mordant: acid solution, salt technique. Burr is very fragile
such as Plexiglas, Lucite and proof. (Fr. fume) A type of trial (perchloride of iron), etc. and, unless the plate is steel-
Perspex. proof taken from a wood block BLaNCHIN faced, will rapidly wear away
aGING which has been blackened with A pale discoloration on a in the press. Usually lasts for
The continuous action of atmo- smoke. It may be taken by the surface as a result of superficial only 10-20 impressions after
spheric components- oxygen, woodcutter to serve as a model water or solvent penetration. creation.
moisture, as well as light, for the printer. More recently, BLaNKets CaLLIPers
temperature - on materials and the term has been used to Blankets may be used as the A tool resembling a pair of
structures, leading to deteriora- describe a fine quality impres- packing placed between the dividers used in making cor-
tion. natural aging deterioration sion taken by hand from a wood upper roller of the intaglio press rections on an intaglio plate.
may also be caused by incom- block. Trial proof. A proof taken and the paper when printing. They locate the corresponding
patible components reacting while work is still being made These are used to even out position, of the part to be cor-
slowly within the structure. on the plate, stone, etc., to test the pressure being applied to rected, on the back of the plate.
aIr-BrUsH the effect of inking and from a plate. The indentation caused by
A small air-gun capable of which the artist can judge the BLoCK erasing the mistake on the front
spraying paint, ink, varnish amount of additions or altera- The wooden element which is is then knocked up from behind
or ground in a stream of fine tions to be made. sometimes printed in making woodcuts with a hammer.
droplets. It can be used in he may make corrections by and wood engraving. The word CaNCeLed PLate.
lithography and aquatint, for hand on the proof itself (a also applies to typographical When the printing of a limited
the application of a flat tint, and “touched” proof). In the past, printing elements. edition of prints has been com-
on drawings which are to be woodcutters pulled trial proofs BLUrrING pleted, it is usual to deface the
photographed in the half-tone by blackening the relief of the An impression will receive plates, stones, etc., to ensure
technique. block with smoke and printing a blurred appearance if the that there is no possibility of
aLKaLINe BUffer it with the aid of a burnisher or paper and the inked roller are their being reprinted. A cancel-
An additive used in paper-mak- rubber. several trial proofs may not properly registered during lation impression is one that is
ing processes and conservation be taken until a definitive state printing. taken to prove the cancellation.
treatments that will raise the is reached. The printer’s proof “BoN a tIrer” CarBorUNdUM
pH level. is often a trial proof. Wax proof. Literally means “good to print:” A very hard mixture consisting
aLUMINUM A type of trial proof taken from It is generally assigned on a primarily of silicon carbide; it
This metal can be used in print- an intaglio plate. The incisions trial proof by the artist when is used as an abrasive and, in
making either as a plate, or as a are blackened with smoke and he wishes to indicate to the powdered form, in a method
support for an impression to be an impression is taken onto a professional printer that a of engraving invented by Henri
made upon. In the sheet of paper covered with satisfactory state of his print goetz. He used it to obtain
former case, it can be (a) white wax which picks up the has been obtained. It gives the a dotted effect by sprinkling
engraved with the burin, design. printer the standard to which it over a metal plate (usually
(b) etched with mercuric BeadING he must adhere in taking suc- duralumin) which was then
bichloride, or (c) prepared litho- A greasy surface repels water cessive impressions. pulled through a press, thereby
graphically. Impressions can be and aqueous preparations by BUCKLING causing the grains to penetrate
made directly onto the metal, in reducing them to droplets. A radical shrinkage or compres- the metal.
particular with the screenprint- This beading will occur if, for sion of a surface (e.g panel CartoUCHe
ing technique. example, a copper plate which painting) as a result of envi- Ornamental design resembling
arCHIVaL has not been cleaned properly ronmental action. This often the curves of a rolled-up parch-
An archival material should is covered with Indian ink. results in generalized lifting ment scroll. It is found at the
have a neutral or slightly Bed or cleavage of the paint and base of old master engravings
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