Page 193 - Art-Addiction
P. 193
seLIM NaZerIaN
1945 born in iran
lives and works in tehran, iran
Landscapes of northern Tehran villages are always the best resources for my painting. I enjoy wande-
ring in the back alleys of darakeh, darband, Farahzad, and darabad, seeking for subjects to paint in the laby-
rinth of narrow alleys, discovering clay walls covered by straw or tins, brick entrances of gardens that invite
the viewer to come in, or balconies decorated by beautiful architraves. The houses of the villages, framed by
fruit trees, rivers, and hills make a wonderful ‘Architecture-nature’ composition. Unfortunately in these last
ten years I have seen many of these houses, arches, and walls ruined by urban developers. Maybe a few old
trees will remain and tell the future inhabitants about these landscapes and maybe these ink drawings will
be their sole witness.
darBaNd VIlaGE (VIEw), 1999 Pen And inK 46 x 62 cM. / 18¼ x 24½ in.
189 ARTaddiction