Page 200 - Art-Addiction
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Casting a copper printing plate to a print or drawing. offset LItHoGraPHy numeration of the pages in
from a high-relief collage or MeZZotINt One of the four major industrial a book.
maquette made up of various An intaglio method in which printing techniques of which PaPer
materials. The plate used is the surface of a metal plate is the others are: letterpress, Papermaking involves mixing
made up of a thick, resilent uniformly incised, roughened, photogravure and screenprint- vegetable fibers and water into
material that absorbs ink and or textured with a spurlike ing. It has become the most a paste which is then drained,
creates a frescolike quality. tool called a rocker. commonly used method in pressed and dried in a mould
MoNoGraM NeedLe commercial printing, although until a sheet is formed. This has
A combination of letters, usu- Many different types of needles its importance in printmaking is to be sized with glue or gelatine
ally initials of a proper name, or (or points) are used in print- not very great. It is an extension to give the paper its final
an abbreviated signature. Many making. The drypoint is a small, of the lithographic technique: appearance. Linen or cotton
artists, and engravers in par- fine needle, whose point can the image is picked up from rags are used to make good
ticular, have signed their work be sharpened at various angles, the stone, or more usually quality paper for printmaking.
with a monogram; those whose each producing a different type plate (either zinc or aluminium “India” and Japanese papers
names have remained unknown of line. double-ended needles which has either been grained are also imported for this
are called monogrammists. possess a differently sharpened or covered with an absorbent use on account of their high
MoNtaGe point at either end. etching nee- oxide), by a rubber roller which quality. Tracing paper is used
The production of a composite dles vary in thickness and are then reprints it onto paper. Text for transferring a drawing onto
image made from various ele- more or less sharply pointed, and image can be transferred the plate or block. Formerly
ments as, for example, in the according to need; choppes are photographically and prepared the paper with the drawing on
combination of photographic broader than usual etching nee- in the usual lithographic it was covered on the verso
positives or negatives with dles and are sharpened in an technique based on the natural with black or red chalk and the
drawn stencils in screenprint- oval section: they can produce antipathy between grease and design was transferred to the
ing. variations in the width of a line water. The advantage of offset plate by indenting its outlines
MoNotyPe according to the angle at which is that it enables the damping, on the recto. The drawing may
A unique image printed from a the point is held. diamond, ruby inking and printing itself to also be pricked for transfer.
polished plate, glass, metal, or or sapphire points are used for be done by a series of rollers special transfer paper is used
other material painted with ink. making light incisions in a metal which enormously speeds the in lithography to transfer the
MoULd plate or in a ground laid over it. operation, thereby enhancing image from the paper on which
1. In manual papermaking, Points made of ivory or bone the commercial value of the it has been drawn onto the
the mould is a kind of tray, (with more rounded ends than technique. stone. It is grained if the image
consisting of crossed wires in a those of an ordinary needle) are orIGINaL has been drawn in chalk or
wooden frame, over which the used for tracing (to transfer a 1. The original design is the one crayon. A smooth autographic
paper pulp is spread. design), and for making marks from which a copy or tracing paper is used for transferring
2. A mould is made of a block or on a ground without penetrat- is made for the block, stone ink drawings (see: transfer).
plate, in reverse to the original, ing the metal plate beneath. or plate. Various types of sensitized
when making a replica of it NeGatIVe 2. An original print is produced papers are used in photome-
(stereotype). The mould used A “ negative “ impression when the artist himself has chanical methods. Tissue paper
for casting type is known as a produces white areas in place prepared the block, plate or is used for protecting freshly
matrix. of the black, or vice versa, e.g. stone. printed sheets and for wiping
MoULd, MILdeW an impression taken from an oVerPaINt the plate after inking in intaglio
A large group of small fungi, intaglio plate which has been The covering over of original printing. Blotting paper is used
the vegetative structures of inked with a roller. areas, as opposed to the limit- on sheets of dampened paper
which invade many organic NIeLLo ing of retouches (in painting) to before printing, and for drying
substances. Provided sufficient A niello is the incrustation of areas of damage. plates after they have been
moisture is present, these an engraved silver or gold plate oVerPrINtING etched and washed before
structures or hyphae produce with a metallic black enamel There are three methods of printing.
enzymes that dissolve or (Latin: “niggled”). A niello print color printing: by juxtapos- PaPer CoNserVator
degrade the host material. This is an impression taken from ing the colors; by mixing the An individual professionally
chemical action may leave such a plate before the enamel colors before printing; and by trained to preserve and restore
wastes that stain the hosts, has been poured into the fur- printing the colors on top of paper.
such as foxing marks on paper. rows, or an impression taken each other, i.e. overprinting, PatINa
On maturity, reproductive from a sulphur cast of such to obtain gradations of tone A surface formation on an
structures will appear on the a plate. and different colors. This latter object, e.g corrosion, oxida-
surface of the host as visible NUMBerING of PrINts method takes into account the tion, discoloration, which may
and often colored, furry, or Impressions taken from a par- principal theory that all color is be either natural in origin, or
web-like clusters. Until mature, ticular edition are sometimes composed of red, yellow and artificially applied (for aesthetic
mould or mildew may not be numbered. The numbers are blue, and is used particularly in reasons) by the artist or crafts-
detectable except by a charac- written at the base: the number photomechanical processes. man.
teristic musty odor. Because of the impression within the Photographic negatives are PHotoGraPHIC ProCesses
mould requires moisture for edition is followed by the total made of these colors by means Photographic processes are
growth, such activity may usu- number printed. There usually of filters, and when transferred used to create an image on
ally be arrested by maintaining is nO correllation between to plates are overprinted to sensitized paper, either by
a dry environment, i.e. below print number and where in the build up the image. means of a negative, or by
65-percent rH. edition the actual print falls (i.e. PaGe exposing the paper directly
MoUNt print 1/100 is probably nOT the each side of a leaf in a book is a to the light, having previously
A protective backing of card- first impression taken from page, whether printed or not. blocked out parts of it with
board or thick paper attached a plate, it’s the first numbered). PaGINatIoN various objects. The negative
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