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may also be prepared manually,   PHotoLItHoGraPHy  stored and conserved.   “).
     as in the cliche-verre, a process    A term referring to the use of   PosItIVe & NeGatIVe  PrICKING
     which could be classed among   photography in lithography and    Photographic terminology is   A method of transferring a
     the printmaking techniques.   offset lithography.  sometimes applied to prints;   drawing, which consists in
     Photomechanical processes   PH VaLUe   i.e. a positive design is black on   pricking with a fine needle the
     are those which involve a com-  P(otential) of H(ydrogen). A   white, a negative one is   outlines of the design, leaving
     bination of photography with   method of measuring acidity   white on black.   a series of small holes which
     traditional printmaking meth-  or alkalinity, numerically   “PoUPee a La”  may then be pounced. This
     ods; a positive or a negative   equivalent to 7 for neutral solu-  The French term used for a   involves shaking powdered red
     image can be reproduced on   tions, increasing with increased   method of coloring an intaglio   chalk over the dots so that a
     the surface of any metal plate,   alkalinity and decreasing with   plate by hand. Contrary to usual   trace of the design is obtained
     stone, wood block or screen,   increased acidity. The pH scale   methods of color printing, the   on the paper or plate placed
     provided that it has been sen-  commonly in use ranges from   different colours are all applied   underneath. The process was
     sitized beforehand. examples   0 to 14.  on one plate with the aid of   much used in lithography for
     of photomechanical processes   PIGMeNt  a stump of rag, known as a   transferring drawings.
     are: line block, halftone block,   The constituent in ink which   “poupee” (or dolly).   PrINt
     photogravure, collotype, and   gives it color   PreParatory draWING  The image obtained from any
     such techniques can also   PIttING     Before making an engraving,   printing element. Originally,
     be applied to screenprinting   A fault which occurs on metal   woodcut, etc., a preparatory   this was either a metal plate,
     and offset lithography. The   plates, particularly aluminium.   drawing is made on the surface   engraved in intaglio, or a wood
     artist can also make an image   small holes are also sometimes   of the printing element. It may   block (or metal plate) cut in
     by combining photographic   found on the rubber roller used   be a tracing or transfer of the   relief. From the beginning
     materials (i.e. sensitized paper,   in offset lithography. An etching   original design, or it may be an   of the nineteenth century,
     developer, fixative, etc.) in his   ground may also be pitted   original itself, done with pencil,   lithographic stones were
     own fashion. For a long time,   with small holes caused by an   ink, chalk or other medium.  included, and today screen-
     photomechanical means were   excess of heat on application of   Press, PrINtING  printing adds a further type of
     rejected in the definition of   the ground.  The three most important   printing element. An impression
     original printmaking, for it was   PLaster Cast  types of press are: (1) the relief   taken planographically from a
     not considered to be work done   A type of trial proof taken   or typographic press; (2) the   painted surface may also be
     entirely by the artist’s hand.   from an intaglio plate. Plaster   intaglio printing press, also   termed a print (see:monotype).
     This restriction is no longer   is poured over the plate after   used in photogravure; and (3)   In the past, a rigid distinction
     regarded as valid, for it is now   it has been blackened with   the planographic press used in   was observed between prints
     appreciated that the artist may   smoke, thereby producing an   lithography and offset lithogra-  obtained by manual processes
     use any photographic means   exact mould of the design.  phy. Within each of these types,   and reproductions obtained
     at his disposal in the making   PLastIC (engrAVIng On)  the manual press is generally   by photomechanical methods
     of a print.         sheets of plastic can be   used by artists making their   (see: photographic processes).
     PHotoGraVUre        engraved in the same tech-  own prints, and can be distin-  This distinction has less value
     sometimes known as helio-  nique as a woodcut or wood   guished from the mechanical   today, because reproductions
     gravure (particularly hand   engraving. The transparency of   press used in industry.   have been incorporated into
     photogravure), this technique   the material greatly facilitates   1. In the relief press (see: let-  artists’ original prints and are
     is one of the most important   registration in color printing.  terpress), a heavy rectangular   therefore not solely produced,
     methods of industrial printing   PLate  element, the platen, is lowered   as originally intended, for
     (the others being letterpress   The plate is any metal printing   over the bed of the press onto   mass production. A print is
     and offset lithography). It is an   element, whether an intaglio,   the paper and the block.   termed, “original” if the artist
     intaglio process which can be   relief or planographic process is   2. An intaglio printing press is   of the design has worked on
     divided into two procedures:   employed.   comprised of two cylinders,   the printing element himself,
     (1) Hand photogravure, a   PLate MarK  between which the paper and   as opposed to reproductive
     derivation of the aquatint in   The mark imprinted by an   the plate are pulled under great   and interpretative prints which
     its method of obtaining tone.   intaglio plate onto the paper   pressure.   involve the use of an inter-
     After sensitizing a copper plate   (especially visible at the edges)   3. In the lithographic press,   mediary person to reproduce
     and exposing it to light to form   caused by the pressure of the   the stone and the paper are   the design onto the printing
     the image, resin or bitumen   rollers in the press.   transported by a mobile bed to   element. Original prints are
     grain was scattered over it. The   PLUG  a position beneath the scraper   often only produced in small
     procedure continued as for   A small piece of wood (or lino-  which supplies the pressure.   numbers; they may be num-
     a normal aquatint plate. This   leum for a linocut) known as a   There are different models of   bered and signed by the artist.
     technique subsequently devel-  “plug” is inserted into the block   each type of press; they vary   These distinctions between
     oped into a totally photome-  as a means of replacing a bad   according to the manufacturer   reproductions (which occasion-
     chanical process: (2) Machine   error or a damaged area in a   and the period in which they   ally may also be signed and
     photogravure, in which the   woodcut. It is cut in accordance   were made.  numbered) and original prints
     tone is supplied by a cross-line   with the correction or restora-   PressUre  are, however, generalized.
     screen. It was discovered that   tion to be made.  The pressure of an intaglio   In practice the frontiers are
     the plate could be bent into the   PoCHoIr  plate on the paper when pulled   more imprecise, particularly in
     form of a cylinder, a develop-  stencil cut, coloration.   through the press results in the   commercial printing. It must be
     ment which allowed very fast   PortfoLIo  formation of a plate mark. In   noted that some people have a
     printing speeds (rotogravure).   A pliable case, made of thick   French, a distinction is made   much more rigorous definition
     The technique is used more for   cardboard, frequently covered   between the plate mark on the   of an original print than others,
     magazines and catalogues than   with leather or cloth, in which   recto of the paper (“cuvette”)   e.g. of a photomechanically
     for print-making itself.  prints are presented,   and that on the verso (“foulage   produced original print of which
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