Page 204 - Art-Addiction
P. 204

the best
                                     artists in our

                                  Masters of today
                                   WorLd of art


                                     voluMe 1

                                  Art director
                                  editor And PuBlisher
                                  oF World oF Art BooKs
                                  pETrU rUssU

                                  coMPuter grAPhics (cg) And
                                  creAtive lAyout By
                                  Petru russu
                                  Writing style
                                  MArlie Burton-roche
                                  sAlvAtore Mele
                                  All rights reserved
                                  no part of this publication may be
                                  reproduced, stored in retrieval system
                                  or transmitted in any form or by any
                                  means, electronic, mechanical,
                                  photocopying or otherwise, without
                                  the prior permission of copyright
                                  owner and the publisher of
                                  World of Art Books
                                  to PurchAsing ArtWorK or
                                  coPies oF the BooK MAil
                                  the AttAched Business rePly
                                  cArd to World oF Art
                                  WorLd of art
                                  MörBylund 19, 9tr
                                  se-18230 dAnderyd
                                  stocKholM sWeden
                                  tel /FAx +46 8 85.72.64
                                     ©2003 First PuBlished
                                    Printing By PrisMA Print
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