Page 96 - Trends
P. 96


                    CAROLINA ALOTUs
                   Lives and works in protaras, cyprus
              artist contact
                                                                    UnTITLed, 2005 mixeD meDia /acryLic on canvas 36x36 in. /90x90 cm.
             To paint abstract is very exciting. I may start with a feeling or just a color   my intuition guide me. I find that the creative force inside me flows freely
             combination that I’ve visualized in my head. Usually a painting will go   when I shut off the mind chatter and paint with my heart. I don’t consciously
             through several stages until it ends up looking nothing like it did in the begin-  put symbolism into my paintings, nor do I name them. I may see one thing
             ning. I paint in several layers. It’s not always easy to know when I ’m done   in a picture, while someone else sees something entirely different. Both
             with an abstract painting. It’s important to be vigilant, to stop and reflect,   interpretations are equally correct and not trying to interpret a painting is
             and to go with your gut feeling. Both music and colors have a tremendous   okay too. Go with your gut feeling and allow yourself to be swept away by
             impact on us humans. When I paint I try not to think too much. Instead I let   the colors and the brush strokes. The colors have a life of their own.  TRENDS
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