Page 101 - Trends
P. 101
Lives and works in niles, iL Usa
artist contact
Woman’s body is the mother’s body-essential to our
survival as a species. ‘The feminine’ is a powerful
force for Oks as a man and as an artist.
Artist want to envelop the viewer in a dreamscape
of lush bodies as they interact energetically. Oks
believe their appeal lies in the personal images they
evoke in the viewer, who is teased by his paintings
to fill in the specifics.
The ripe, swaying images of women in artist’s pain-
tings are deliberately anonymous. His intention is to
universalize the implications of their erotic energy.
There is great power to such energy. Artist feel that
power in Nature as well.
Oks strive to unite the romanticism of nature with
figures. Increasingly, his paintings co-join Nature
and humanity. In female faces are seen atop unreal,
plant-like torsos and ‘legs,’ These ‘plant women’
are not sensual or voluptuous. They shoot skyward
like growing trees in a salute to the more abstract
aspects of the feminine spirit.
When Leon Oks arrived in the United States, his
work became more open and emotional, as he felt
comfortable exploring many themes and showing
his paintings.
Along with semi-abstract work, artist continued to
do landscapes, some from memories of his beloved
Russia, others of scenes in artist’s new country.
Oks composing fantastic compositions that lure
the viewer in to his canvas.
sWAns, 2003 oiL on canvas 36x24 in. / 92x61 cm.
< sUMMer BreAK, 2006 oiL on Linen 36x36 in. /91x91 cm.