Page 99 - Trends
P. 99


                     ROGERIO sILVA

                     Lives and works in Lisbon, portugal
               artist contact
            My recent works reflects several collectable memories of our exis-  physical space give us the emotion of nature and the perception of
            tence. The paintings are diffuse and almost photographic. They are   time of the days. Under this ethereal concept I pretend to represent
            supposed to express the essence of matter in its vibrational source,   my paintings as a non worked matter and to approach our physical
            as imprints of our intuitive perception.  The landscapes and charac-  body into a complexity of a divine substance. I’m interested in the
            ters  represented  in  the  paintings  belong  to  everyday  life.  Looking   representative aspect of my work as a tendency towards an abstract
            under the intuitive choice of the subject, used on the object of the   expression, where the eye meets the real substance of the painting
            painting, it opens a place where the impressions of elements on the   and not simply the canvas surface.
                      WInd, acriLic on canvas 24x24 in. / 60x60 cm
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