Page 93 - Trends
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                     DANIEL PEŠTA
                     Lives and works in prague, czech republic and Frankfurt, germany
                                       /
               artist contact

                                                                         Daniel Pešta’s assemblages, sculptures, and canvases take
                                                                         us into a world of absurdity, a realm between the conscious
                                                                         and  the  unconscious  where  we  are  often  confronted
                                                                         with profound and primal truths. On closer examination it
                                                                         becomes clear that Pešta’s sources of inspiration are to
                                                                         be found not primarily in external experience, through his
                                                                         intensity of vision and observation of the complexities of
                                                                         our ever-changing world, but also, and particularly, in his
                                                                         profound inner emotional response.

                                                                         In  the  sculpture ‘Whispers’  (2004),  two  figures  made  of
                                                                         wax, fabric, leather and resin float side by side in space,
                                                                         their heads inclined towards one another. The bodies are
                                                                         bandaged  like  mummies,  they  have  no  eyes,  and  their
                                                                         mouths are no more than gaping red holes.
                                                                         The  string  bandages  encasing  their  bodies  are  criss-
                                                                         crossed  by  a  mass  of  scars  held  together  with  surgical
                                                                         stitches.  The  two  figures  have  different  genitalia  and
                                                                         are recognizably male and female, but otherwise totally
                                                                         lacking in individuality. While the title ‘Whispers’ suggests
                                                                         some kind of dialogue between the sexes, it also implies
                                                                         By  giving  his  figures  only  rudimentary  mouths  and
                                                                         schematic, injured-looking bodies, Pešta presents us with
                                                                         a very gloomy view of the possibility of forming satisfying
                                                                         interpersonal relationships.
                                                                         Each  figure  has  become  a  simplified  copy  of  the  other;
                                                                         and instead of having a real dialogue, each seems to be
                                                                         talking to itself. (excerpt)
                                                                                                         Meike Behm

                                                                         WHIsPers 1, 2004 mixeD meDia, HeigHt  55 in. / 140 cm.
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