Page 90 - Trends
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                     ROLF JANssON

                     Lives and works in Horten, norway
               artist contact
            Although he studied fine art in the late 1960s in Copenhagen, Jansson   painting ad Illustration. “In the late 1980s there was an explotion in
            took  the  long  way  around  to  discover  his  artistic  calling.  Caught   the commercial art scene, with a lot more freedom in the use of art
            up in the self-exploration movement in the 1970s, he worked in a   for Illustration,” he says. “For me it was a kind of revolution.” In his
            variety  of  positions,  including  stints as a minister and  a  merchant   nearly 16-year career, Jansson has taken part in an other revolution
            seaman  (a  career  cut  short  by  chronic  seasickness). Then  in  1984   as well. Most of his illustrations Will start as hand-painted gouache,
            he concieved an idea of a short animated film, which he presented   but  now  when  a  painting  is  finished  he  just  scans  it,  then  uses
            to the Norwegian Broadcasting System. With funding and technical   the  Computer  to  adjust  color  and  manipulate  details.  Completed
            help from the network, he put together his five minute Film, a fantasy   images are transmitted from e-mail to his Mountain studio to clients
            about a man caught in a frame who finally escapes by turning himself   throughout Europe. “The computer has made a big difference to me,”
            inside  out. The  film  proved  oddly  prophetic. After  its  broadcasts,   he says. It means that I can live in this small village, and the computer
            commisions  began  to  come  in  for  more  artwork, And  before  long   brings me the whole world.”
            Jansson had turned from other pursuits to concentrate entirely on    Hemisphere (United Airline Inflight-magazine)

                                        THe PeArL dIsCOVer, 2004 compUter grapHic, 25½x79 in. / 70x200 cm.            TRENDS
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