Page 152 - Trends
P. 152
Lives and works in London, Uk
artist contact
AngeLIC 1, oiL on canvas 48x18 in. /122x45 cm.
Presenting his work in such countries as France, Spain and Great Britain, is, no doubt, a further influence in the ideas and inspiration he
Francesco Ruspoli has received numerous awards, encouragements brings to his canvas. His works, in abstract-figuration, now convey
and positive critical reviews. It was in England, however, that this to the viewer a sense of the human interplay between figure and
artist was inspired to enter into a new modality of artistic expression. environment, through dramatic, almost theatrical, presentations.
Moving from translation of the subconscious onto a canvas, Ruspoli “MY CANVAS MAY NOT HAVE A FRONT OR A BACK COVER BUT I TRY,
influenced too by Francis Bacon, Lucien Freud, Frank Auerbach, Leon WITH EACH STUDY, EACH PERFORMANCE, TO PRESENT A WORK TO
Kossoff, the Scottish School began to represent the human figure in BE READ RATHER THAN STARED AT.” The powerful, evocative works
abstract environments, creating an intensity of thought and emotive of Francesco Ruspoli, in numerous European exhibitions since 1983,
response through potent use of color. Since 1993, Ruspoli has been have crossed the Atlantic in 1998 to stimulate the North American
involved with costume and set design in the theatre and this interest cognizance with the emotive forces therein. TRENDS