Page 157 - Trends
P. 157


                     EVELYNN EIGHMEY
                     Lives and works in wrightsville, pennsylvania, Usa
               artist contact
                                                              CHAnCes, 2005 DigitaL camera, originaL pHotos, scan anD aDoBe pHotosHop
            The computer is a wonderful new medium to add to an artist’s repertoire,   than most digital artists. I use a camera (digital), scanner, original photos,
            the perfect meld of expression and technology, but it has a stigma attached   and Adobe photoshop to create the images. Art often begins with  feelings
            to it.  Many purists feel that art isn’t art if it is not “hand-created”, no matter   or thoughts evoked by an object or an image and as my composition
            how much time and thought are involved. People don’t realize that in order   evolves, it often takes on a deeper or different meaning. My art has been
            to create  digital art, the artist has to master the software, and make use   referred to as “surrealism”, but it is really about personal iconography. The
            of the same skills and knowledge required to create an oil or watercolor   viewer may see something contrary to the original intent, but I hope that
            painting for instance.  Leonardo DaVinci would have been one of the first   it is an  intimate and meaningful experience. Individuals should be able to
            to master this new technology-that’s almost a given.  My approach to the   identify with each work in a unique and personal way. A negative reaction
            digital medium is more “painterly” than most computer artists, due to my   is better than  indifference, so I invite the viewer to explore the new worlds
            strong traditional background. I think that this gives my work a  different feel   that I have created--a pleasant surprise may be in store!
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