Page 155 - Trends
P. 155
artist contact
MAï - gUITArIsTe 2, 1983 oiL on canvas 18x14½ in. / 46x38 cm.
thought we knew well. [2] ...bear witness to a stunning prodigality
expressing itself in a lavish and multivarious creation. Paradoxically,
this narcissus who enjoys questionning at lenghth the accomplished
work does not seek in it his own reflection: paternity claims or the
protection of his trademark are not his main concern.[3] Hundreds
of watercolors, thousands of sketches and drawings, a collection
of oils, his work is equally varied and profuse. He composes thirty-
[1] Francis J.P. CHAMANT – Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie de Marseille – three variations on a Nereid’s Attitude, variations equating with a
Salon international de Château Arnoux 1982. [2] Louis Jean GAL – Mensuel des diary whose allusions to Matisse, Picasso, geometric abstraction
Pennes Mirabeau, Décembre 1996. [3 ] Magali CANAVAGGIA – Les créateurs des
Bouches du Rhône,p. 38 - Edition Fus Ar t – ISBN 25 -9 0 885 3 6 38-8. [4 ] Marie punctuate the progression but betray nothing of the incredible
PROUHE ZE – Univers des Ar ts N°spécial sept. 19 96 creative power of his author. [4]