Page 154 - Trends
P. 154


                     VAN QUE

                     Lives and works in Les pennes mirabeau, France
               artist contact
             An incredible creative power: VAN QUE, a born painter, has more   him, which serves as the link between geometry and spirituality.
             than one string to his lute, from which he knows how to draw all   [1]   He switches with ease from one technique to another. He
             kidns of accents. A natural lyricism pervades all his flower bouquets,   explores all the domains of Plastic Arts reconsidering success. He
             his upscale nudes are idealized, his landscapes are all treated with   keeps reconsidering his work, a sign of great humility. A curious and
             authory and power. Some will speak of his geometrical spirit, for his   intuitive mind, he roams with great strides his boundless domain.
             works, even those that may appear as the most liberated reveal a   Acrylic, oil, watercolors, drawing: he brings into play all of these to
             strong sense of structure and an harmonious architecture. It would   reach the unattainable.
             be  to  misunderstand  him  if  the  stress  was  put  only  on  the  solid   What  to  say  of  his  signature,  a  masterpiece  in  itself.  He  sets  on
             value of his substructures. It is the practise of music, so familiar to   everything a new eye, and, in his wake, we discover what we once

            FeMes eT enFAnTs ALLAnT À LA FêTe, 1973 oiL on canvas 21x28½ in. /54x73 cm.                               TRENDS
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