Page 149 - Trends
P. 149


                     EDITH sUCHODREw
                     Lives and works in aachen, germany
               artist contact
            Today the artist Edith Suchodrew represents herself with computer   the service of the beauty, but a beauty is the luck of the form control,
            graphic paintings. These pictures are familiar in many ways but at   the form is again the organic key in order to be, all living person must
            equal length succeed in creating a strange and fantastic world where   have his form, to be ...” and further, “The progress in the art is defeated
            the viewer is beckoned to be absorbed inside, and relish the sapidity   by the law of the attraction....”Edith underlines a symbolic metaphor
            of these verboten delights. Edith Suchodrew has a long, determined,   in her pictures: passion and self-confidence, color and joy in life. Her
            and very creative history in art and is readily interested in growth   works give room for deeper interpretations for the spectator bemused
            and  luxuriates  maturation  of  her  artistic creation. The writer Boris   by pieces just bellow the threshold of grandity.
            Pasternak wrote in his novel “Doctor Jiwago”: “The art always stands in   Draft by Doris Suchodrev  (Style and interpretation by André Russu)

            THe PeArL dIsCOVer, 2004 compUter grapHic, 25½x79 in. / 70x200 cm.
            THe sLeePIng AngeL, 2004 compUter grapHic, 25½x79 in. / 70x200 cm.
            MYsTerIOUs IsLAnd, 2004 compUter grapHic, 25½x79 in. / 70x200 cm.
            THe CHArMIng dreAM I, 2004 compUter grapHic, 25½x79 in. / 70x200 cm.
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