Page 148 - Trends
P. 148


                     LYNNE TAETzsCH
                     Lives and works in ithaca, ny, Usa
               artist contact
            Taetzsch has spoken about her work almost like a piece of music,   to me is that, as a viewer, I do not really see this struggle she speaks
            as if she were constructing an orchestral movement.  She says, “I   of so eloquently.  I see an artist who has a very masterful control
            struggle with the canvas, building it up and breaking it down.  Space   over  her  works,  creating  a  coherent  and  forceful  expression  on
            is there to be enclosed and disclosed; defined and defiled by line;   canvas.  But then perhaps this is the role of the artist, to create order
            shaped  and  misshaped  by  form;  made  subtle,  empty  or  blatant   and expression out of a chaotic mixture of color and shape.  This
            through color.  Form.  Line.  Color. Some days we dance together,   is surely the role of the abstract painter, and a role that Taetzsch
            some days we engage in a bloody fistfight.”  What is of great interest   takes on and handles superbly.
                                                                                   Color Contrast by Stan Bowman (Excerpt).

                           FeATHered nesT THree, acryLic on canvas 44x44 in. / 112x112 cm.                            TRENDS
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