Page 161 - Trends
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                     DAVID NEwMAN

                     Lived and worked in France, italy, Florida, new york and texas, Usa
               artist contact

            David Newman’s fascinating career stretches
            more than six decades and incorporates media
            ranging from marble to bronze, oils on canvas,
            watercolors, ink, pencil and pastels.  His works
            range  in  size  from  miniature  watercolors
            and oils to 13-foot murals. In his work, there
            is  an  absence  of  any  preconceived  agenda.
            The great respect, in which he held Picasso,
            Van  Gogh,  Crivelli,  Michelangelo,  Gauguin,
            Bonnard, as well as Pollock, Kandinski, and so
            on, never seemed to demand that he “should”
            do anything other than what came naturally in
            his artistic journey.
            David was very articulate about the distinction
            between objective and non-objective within the
            domain of abstraction.  As he gradually worked
            his way out of the strongly representative works
            of his early years, he no doubt passed though
            his  impressionist,  fauvist  and  slightly  cubist
            In  1981,  he  became  totally  abstract  in  his
            painting, declaring it to be the culmination of
            decades  of  work.  “I  never  change  a  line  or
            shape.  Even if the paint drips down the canvas,
            I don’t wipe it up.  I respect it (the paint) to such
            a degree that I’ll never touch it again.” David also
            wants to be known for the texture he gives to
            paintings. “Most paintings are flat. But why?
            That’s not natural.  Are there not dust particles
            on a rug?  I’m one of the few guys around that
            lets paint be paint. Over the years, Newman
            completed many commissioned works, as well
            as numerous gallery and museum exhibitions.
            During David’s most recent period, he explored
            a variety of themes including the Reflections,
            the  Improvs  and  the  Dots  series.  Although
            varied  in  style  from  the  geometric  to  the
            abstract, a unifying thread of bold color, rich
            texture and dynamic energy defines this period.
            The  cumulative  work  constitutes  an  entity.
            A statement.  It tells a story of harmony and
            sanity.  It also - by the nature of abstraction - lets
            the onlooker imagine various interpretations - it
            does not control others’ thoughts - only gives a
            point of departure -a point of contact.     sTUdY FOr sCULPTUre, 1981 WATerCOLOr 30x22 In. /76x55 CM.
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