Page 163 - Trends
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                                                                                       Newman’s Flags
                                                                                       David  was  serious,  classic  and  austere.
                                                                                       And then, whimsical, mischievous, humble
                                                                                       and  generous.  I  should  know.  I  spent  55
                                                                                       years  as  his  companion,  muse,  mother
                                                                                       of  his  daughters  and  grandmother  to  his
                                                                                       Visitors  to  this  house  find  the  variety  of
                                                                                       images  tantalizing  and  comment  on  the
                                                                                       diversity.    The  regular  visitor  will  soon
                                                                                       establish  links  and  get  to  recognize  a
                                                                                       Newman. He will see the filiations of each
                                                                                       Given the opportunity to comment upon his
                                                                                       works, and basing some of my remarks on
                                                                                       our  conversations  over  the  years,  I  know
                                                                                       I  can  prove  that  the  itinerary  I  had  the
                                                                                       privilege to accompany – except for the first
                                                                                       five  years  –  reveals  a  parallelism,  despite
                                                                                       tremendous differences in moods, subjects,
                                                                                       as well as techniques and media – a spiral,
                                                                                       an upside down cone, the opposite of the
                                                                                       linear – or “wall-to-wall” consistency which
                                                                                       characterize many great artists’ journeys – to
                                                                                       Picasso’s diversity. David did not hesitate,
                                                                                       now  and  then,  to  change  direction,  and
                                                                                       proceeded on many alleys. In both the urge
                                                                                       to explore new terrain that led then to rapid
                                                                                       turns or the gradual evolution of one idea.
                                                                                       In the 1950’s, David created a sculpture called
                                                                                       the “Echo of War”, a rather expressionist bust
                                                                                       of one whose triangular face leans in deep
                                                                                       sorrow, indicating David’s early commitment
                                                                                       to art with a social message, sympathy for
                                                                                       the sufferers, and yearning for peace.
                                                    FLAg 35, 2003 OIL On CAnVAs 40x32 In.   The  Flags  and  Towers  series  of  Oils  on
                                                                                       Canvas have origins way before this period.
                                                   TOWers 9, 2002 OIL On CAnVAs 42x28 In. 
                                                                                       Within  the  standard-sized  22x30”  piles  of
                                                   TOWers 10, 2002 OIL On CAnVAs 60x36 In. 
                                                                                       watercolors, we find Circle and Rectangle.
                                                    TOWers 17, 2002 OIL On CAnVAs 60x36 In.
                                                                                       Determined Space which often indicates a
                                                                                       geometric area within which some design
                                                    FLAg 29, 2003 OIL On CAnVAs 42x28 In.  occurs, we find spirals, triangles as well as
                                                    FLAg 26, 2003 OIL On CAnVAs 28x42 In.  cubes  and  so  on…  even  the  use  of  Dots
                                                    FLAg 20, 2003 OIL On CAnVAs 40x32 In.   within this series has much earlier roots.
                                                    FLAg 27, 2003 OIL On CAnVAs 40x32 In.  There is a definite playfulness in many of his
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