Page 131 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 131
"If you leave me," she said, "I will certainly kill myself." Despite his love
Among the children growing up in Messer Amerigo's house was his for her, Pietro replied, "But my lady, why would you have me stay?
fair and delicate daughter, Violante. Her father was in no hurry to Your pregnancy will reveal our offense. You will be forgiven, but I will
marry her off, and she fell in love with Pietro. Despite her love and bear the penalty for both our sins." Violante responded, "They will
high regard for his qualities, she was too shy to reveal her feelings. know of my offense, but if you do not confess, no one will know of
However, Love spared her the effort, as Pietro had also fallen in love yours." Pietro agreed, "Since you promise this, I will stay. But make
with her. He feared his passion would be discovered, but Violante sure you keep your word."
understood his feelings and showed her satisfaction, encouraging him.
They remained in this state for a long time, neither daring to speak of The young woman, who had tried her best to keep her pregnancy a
their love, though both longed to do so. Fortune, as if preordained, secret, eventually realized it was impossible due to her growing belly.
found a way to banish their fear and hesitation. One day, in great distress, she confessed to her mother and begged
for her help. Her mother, deeply upset, scolded her and asked how it
Messer Amerigo owned a beautiful estate about a mile from Trapani, had happened. To protect Pietro, the young woman made up a story.
where he often went with his daughter and other ladies for recreation. Her mother believed her and took her to one of their estates to hide
One day, while they were there with Pietro, the sky suddenly darkened her condition. When the time came for her to give birth, she cried out
with black clouds. Fearing the storm, the lady and her companions in pain, and it so happened that Messer Amerigo, who rarely visited
hurried back to Trapani. Pietro and Violante, being young and perhaps the estate, arrived after a hunting trip. Hearing her cries, he entered
sped by Love as much as by fear of the storm, outpaced her mother the room and asked what was happening. The mother sorrowfully
and the other ladies. When they were far ahead and almost out of sight, told him her daughter's version of events, but he was skeptical and
the thunder roared, followed by a heavy hailstorm. The lady sought insisted on knowing the whole truth. He demanded that the young
shelter in a farmer's house, while Pietro and Violante found refuge in woman confess, promising to forgive her if she did, but threatening
an old, nearly ruined, and deserted cottage with a bit of roof left. They death if she did not.
stood so close together under the small shelter that they touched each
other, which gave them the courage to reveal their love. Despite her mother's efforts to persuade him otherwise, Messer
Amerigo, in a rage, drew his sword and rushed to his daughter's
Pietro began, "I wish this hail would never stop, so I could stay here bedside. She had just given birth to a boy. He demanded to know
forever!" Violante replied, "And I would be well content." Their hands who the father was, threatening to kill her if she did not tell the
met with a tender pressure, and they embraced and kissed each other truth. Terrified, the young woman broke her promise to Pietro and
as the hail continued. Without dwelling on every detail, the sky cleared confessed everything. Enraged, Messer Amerigo nearly killed her but
before they had experienced the full extent of love's joy and planned instead rode to Trapani and reported the matter to Messer Currado,
how to secretly enjoy each other in the future. Once the storm passed, the King's lieutenant. Pietro, unsuspecting, was arrested, tortured,
they returned to the city gate and waited for the lady before going home and confessed. A few days later, he was sentenced to be scourged
with her. Using all discretion, they continued to meet in secret, finding through the city and then hanged.
great solace in their love. Eventually, Violante became pregnant, which
greatly concerned them both. She tried various methods to stop the Messer Amerigo, still furious, decided that both lovers and their son
pregnancy, but to no avail. Fearing for his life, Pietro saw no option should die. He mixed poison and wine in a goblet and gave it to a
but to flee and told her so. servant along with a drawn sword. He instructed the servant to give
Violante the choice of poison or the sword, threatening to burn her
The Decameron