Page 130 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 130
The Decameron such a pass. Gianni answered, "Love and the King's wrath." Ruggieri The Fifth Day | The Seventh Novell
asked for more details, and Gianni explained the situation.
Storyteller: Lauretta
As Ruggieri was about to leave, Gianni called him back, asking for one
Theodoro, who was in love with Violenta, the daughter of his master,
favor. "I see that I must die soon," Gianni said. "I ask that, since this
Amarigo, caused a significant scandal when Violenta became
damsel and I have loved each other more dearly than life, we may
pregnant. As punishment, Theodoro was condemned to be hanged.
be set face to face so that I may gaze upon her as I depart." Ruggieri
laughed and replied, "With all my heart. I will arrange it so that you
his own father, release, and takes Violante to wife.
see enough of her to tire of her." He then instructed the executioners While Theodoro was being led to the gallows, he was recognized by
to do nothing more without further orders from the King and went to
speak with the King.
Despite finding the King in a wrathful mood, Ruggieri spoke his mind,
asking why the King had ordered the two young people to be burned.
The King explained, and Ruggieri continued, "Their offense does indeed
merit punishment, but not at your hands. If misdeeds should not go
unpunished, services should not go unrewarded. Do you know who
they are?" The King indicated that he did not. Ruggieri then revealed,
"The young man is the son of Landolfo di Procida, brother of Messer
Gianni di Procida, to whom you owe your position as lord and king of
this island. The damsel is the daughter of Marin Bolgaro, whose power
alone prevents Ischia from rebelling against you. These young people
have long been lovers, and it was the power of Love, not a desire to
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
defy your authority, that led them to commit this offense. Why would
you put them to death when you should honor them with gifts?"
The King listened to Ruggieri's words and, realizing the truth, repented
During the reign of good King Guglielmo in Sicily, there lived a gentleman
of his evil intentions and what he had already done. He immediately
named Messer Amerigo Abate da Trapani. He was well-off and had many
ordered the lovers to be released and brought before him. After
children. Needing servants, he took advantage of the arrival of some
learning their full story, he decided to make amends for the wrong
Genoese corsairs in Trapani waters. These corsairs had captured several
he had done them by bestowing honors and gifts upon them. He
boys from the coast of Armenia, whom they believed to be Turks. Among
had them splendidly dressed and, knowing they wished to marry,
these boys was one named Teodoro, who, despite his rustic appearance,
personally gave Gianni his bride. He loaded them with rich presents
seemed to have gentle blood. Though treated as a slave, Teodoro grew up
and sent them back to Ischia, where they were welcomed with great
in Messer Amerigo's house with his children. His natural grace and dignity
celebration and lived happily together for many years.
eventually led Messer Amerigo to grant him freedom. Still thinking him a
Turk, he had him baptized and named Pietro, making him his majordomo
and placing much trust in him.
The Decameron