Page 127 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 127
In the city of Fano, there once lived two Lombards, Guidotto da That evening, both lovers, suspicious of each other, arrived with armed
Cremona and Giacomino da Pavia, both elderly men who had spent friends. Minghino waited in a nearby friend's house, while Giannole
most of their youth as soldiers. When Guidotto was on his deathbed, and his companions stayed a bit farther away. Crivello and the maid
having no son or trusted friend other than Giacomino, he entrusted tried to get each other out of the way. Crivello, seeing the agreed
Giacomino with a ten-year-old girl and all his possessions. After time approaching, gave the signal and opened the door for Giannole,
sharing many details about his affairs, Guidotto passed away. Around who entered with two companions and tried to carry off the girl. She
the same time, the city of Faenza, which had been in a dire state due struggled and screamed, as did the maid. Minghino, hearing the noise,
to prolonged war, began to recover. The city offered honorable terms rushed in with his companions and, seeing the girl being taken, drew
for those who wished to return. Giacomino, who had previously lived their swords and confronted Giannole's group. Neighbors, alarmed
there and liked the place, decided to return with all his belongings, by the commotion, joined in, supporting Minghino. After a prolonged
including the girl left to him by Guidotto, whom he loved and treated struggle, Minghino rescued the girl and returned her to Giacomino's
as his daughter. house. The Governor's officers arrived and arrested several people,
including Minghino, Giannole, and Crivello.
The girl grew into a beautiful and modest young woman, admired by
many. Among her admirers were two gallant young men, Giannole di When Giacomino returned and learned of the incident, he was upset
Severino and Minghino di Mingole, who both loved her passionately but reassured upon finding the girl blameless. He decided to marry
and became bitter rivals. Both wanted to marry her, but their families her off as soon as possible to prevent further trouble. The next day,
forbade it. Unable to marry her honorably, each young man decided the families of the two lovers, aware of the potential consequences,
to pursue her by any means necessary. approached Giacomino with kind words, asking him to consider their
friendship and love over the wrongs done by the young men. They
Giacomino had an elderly maid and a man named Crivello, a friendly offered to make amends. Giacomino, a wise and experienced man,
and pleasant fellow, in his household. Giannole befriended Crivello agreed, saying he would do as they wished, especially since the girl
and confided his love for the girl, asking for his help and promising was from Faenza, not Cremona or Pavia, as many believed.
a handsome reward. Crivello agreed to arrange for Giannole to be in
the house when Giacomino was away for supper but warned that the The families were surprised to learn the girl was from Faenza and
girl would not listen to him if he spoke on Giannole's behalf. Giannole asked Giacomino how he knew. He explained that his friend Guidotto
accepted the plan. had found the girl during the sack of Faenza by Emperor Frederic's
forces. Guidotto had taken pity on the two-year-old girl, who greeted
Meanwhile, Minghino befriended the maid, who carried messages him as father, and brought her to Fano. On his deathbed, Guidotto
to the girl and kindled her love for Minghino. The maid promised to entrusted her to Giacomino, asking him to marry her off and give her
arrange a meeting when Giacomino was away. Soon after, Giacomino, all his possessions as a dowry. Giacomino had not yet found a suitable
with Crivello's help, went to supper at a friend's house. Crivello and husband for her but was eager to do so to prevent further incidents.
Giannole had arranged for Giannole to enter the house upon a signal.
The maid, unaware of Crivello and Giannole's plan, informed Minghino Among those present was Guglielmo da Medicina, who had been
that Giacomino would not be home and instructed him to be near the with Guidotto during the sacking of the house and knew whose
house for her signal. house it was. Seeing the owner, Bernabuccio, among the crowd, he
approached him and said, "Do you hear what Giacomino is saying?"
Bernabuccio replied, "Yes, and I paid close attention because I
The Decameron