Page 123 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 123
entire pack devoured the horse to the bone. Pietro, feeling the loss of
The men ransacked the cottage from top to bottom in several groups. his companion and comfort, was dismayed and thought he would never
One group went out into the courtyard, and as they threw aside their get out of the forest.
lances and shields, one of them, not knowing where else to put his lance,
tossed it into the hay. The lance nearly killed the damsel hiding there Towards dawn, almost dead with cold, Pietro saw a huge fire about a mile
and almost revealed her hiding place. The lance grazed her left breast, away. As soon as it was broad daylight, he climbed down from the oak
tearing her clothing, and she thought she was wounded. She almost with trepidation and made his way towards the fire. He found a group
screamed but remembered where she was and kept silent out of fear. of shepherds gathered around it, eating and making merry. They took
pity on him and welcomed him. After warming himself and eating, Pietro
The company cooked breakfast with kid's meat and other food, and after told them of his mishap and how he came to be there alone. He asked
eating and drinking, they dispersed in different directions, taking the girl's if there was a farm or castle nearby where he could go. The shepherds
horse with them. When they had gone a little way, the good man asked told him that about three miles away was a castle belonging to Liello di
his wife, "What happened to the damsel, our guest from last night? I Campo di Fiore, where his lady was staying. Comforted, Pietro asked to
haven't seen her since we got up." The good woman replied that she be guided there, and two shepherds gladly escorted him.
didn't know where the damsel was and went to look for her. The damsel,
realizing the men were gone, came out of the hay. The good man was Pietro arrived at the castle, where he found some who knew him. While
overjoyed that she hadn't fallen into the hands of the ruffians. As day he was trying to organize a search for the damsel in the forest, the lady
was breaking, he said to her, "Now that it's daylight, we will escort you summoned him. When he saw Agnolella with her, he was the happiest
to a castle about five miles away, where you will be safe. But you must man alive. He yearned to embrace her but refrained out of bashfulness
go on foot because those villains took your horse." The damsel, resigning in the lady's presence. The joy of the damsel was no less. The lady
herself to her loss, begged them to take her to the castle. They set off received him warmly, and after hearing his story, she chided him for
and arrived there around mid-morning. disregarding his kinsfolk's wishes. However, seeing that both he and the
damsel were constant in their love, she thought to herself, "Why give
The castle belonged to one of the Orsini, Liello di Campo di Fiore, myself all this trouble? They love each other, know each other, and their
whose wife happened to be there. She was a kind and good woman, love is honorable. It must be pleasing to God, seeing that they have both
and recognizing the damsel, she welcomed her warmly and asked for a escaped death and wild beasts. Let it be as they wish."
detailed account of how she came to be there. The damsel told her the
whole story. The lady, who also knew Pietro as a friend of her husband, Turning to them, she said, "If you wish to be joined in wedlock as man and
was distressed to hear of his misadventure and, being told where he wife, I agree. Your nuptials shall be solemnized here at Liello's expense,
was taken, feared he was dead. She said to the damsel, "Since you don't and I will see that peace is made with your kinsfolk." So, the pair were
know how Pietro has fared, you shall stay here with me until I can safely wedded in the castle, with Pietro only slightly less joyful than Agnolella.
send you back to Rome." The lady arranged the nuptials as honorably as possible in her mountain
home, and they enjoyed the first fruits of their love. After staying there for
Meanwhile, Pietro, perched on his oak tree in a woeful state, saw a pack some days, they took horse and returned to Rome with a strong escort
of wolves during what should have been his first sleep. The wolves, provided by the lady. Though Pietro's kinsfolk were initially very angry with
prowling, caught sight of the horse and surrounded it. The horse, sensing him, the lady re-established peace between them. Pietro and Agnolella
their approach, strained on the reins until they snapped and tried to lived together in great tranquility and happiness to a good old age.
escape. Hemmed in, the horse fought with its teeth and hooves but was
eventually brought down, throttled, and eviscerated by the wolves. The
The Decameron