Page 119 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 119
a long speech, arranged them in three companies, all bearing arms The Fifth Day | The Second Novell
under their cloaks. He secretly sent one company to the port to Storyteller: Emilia
ensure no obstacles when it was time to embark. He then marched
with the other two companies to Pasimondas' house, posting one Gostanza loves Martuccio Gomito, and hearing that he is dead, gives
company at the gate to prevent being shut in or barred from leaving. way to despair, and hies her alone aboard a boat, which is wafted
With the other company and Cimon, he ascended the stairs and by the wind to Susa. She finds him alive in Tunis, and makes herself
entered the saloon, where the brides and many other ladies were known to him, who, having by his counsel gained high place in the
seated at several tables for supper. king's favour, marries her, and returns with her wealthy to Lipari.
They rushed in, overturned the tables, seized their respective
ladies, and placed them in the care of their men, instructing them
to take the ladies to the waiting ship. The brides, other ladies,
and servants began sobbing and shrieking, creating a confused
din and lamentation. Cimon, Lysimachus, and their band faced
no resistance and descended the stairs. They encountered
Pasimondas, who was heading towards the noise with a great staff
in hand. One stroke of Cimon's sword cleaved Pasimondas' skull,
killing him instantly. Another stroke disposed of Hormisdas, who
came running to his brother's aid. Others who approached were
wounded and beaten off by the retinue.
Cimon and Lysimachus, with their company and fair booty in their
midst, made their way to the ship without any hindrance. They
embarked with the ladies and put to sea elated, as the shore was
now full of armed men come to rescue the ladies. Arriving in Crete,
they were warmly welcomed by their many friends and kinsfolk.
They married their ladies, celebrated greatly, and enjoyed their
fair booty.
Their actions caused a stir and commotion in both Cyprus and
Rhodes, lasting for a long while. However, through the good offices
of their friends and kinsfolk in both islands, it was arranged that
after a certain term of exile, Cimon returned with Iphigenia to
Cyprus, and Lysimachus returned with Cassandra to Rhodes. They
lived long and happily, each well contented with his own wife in
his own land.
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
The Decameron