Page 129 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 129
Near Naples lies the island of Ischia, where a young woman named been cautious of her honor, now felt it was already lost and decided
Restituta lived. She was the daughter of Marin Bolgaro, a gentleman to give herself to Gianni, hoping he would take her away. She left the
of the island. Restituta was very beautiful and cheerful, and she was window open for him. Gianni entered, lay beside her, and they shared
deeply loved by a young man named Gianni from the nearby islet their thoughts and desires. Restituta begged him to take her away,
of Procida. Gianni loved her more than life itself, and she returned and Gianni promised to make arrangements to do so. They embraced
his love equally. Gianni often visited Ischia to see her, and when he and enjoyed each other's company, eventually falling asleep in each
couldn't find a boat, he would swim across from Procida at night just other's arms.
to catch a glimpse of her house.
At daybreak, the King, who had been greatly charmed by Restituta,
One summer day, while Restituta was alone on the seashore, collecting decided to visit her. He entered her room with a torch and saw her
shells, she came to a secluded spot among the rocks. There, some and Gianni asleep, naked and in each other's arms. Enraged, he
Sicilian men from Naples had anchored their boat to enjoy the shade nearly killed them on the spot but decided it would be more fitting
and cool water. Noticing Restituta's beauty and that she was alone, to execute them publicly. He ordered his men to bind the lovers and
they decided to capture her and carry her away. Despite her screams, bring them to Palermo at dawn, where they would be tied to a stake
they seized her, set her aboard their boat, and sailed away. They in the piazza and burned.
arrived in Calabria, where they argued over who should have her.
Unable to agree and fearing she might bring them misfortune, they As soon as the King left, his men woke the lovers, bound them, and
decided to give her to Frederic, the King of Sicily, who was known to took them away. The lovers grieved and trembled for their lives,
appreciate such treasures. They took her to Palermo and presented weeping and lamenting their fate.
her to the King.
In accordance with the King's command, the two lovers were brought
The King, struck by her beauty, valued her greatly. However, as she to Palermo and bound to a stake in the piazza. Faggots and fire were
was unwell, he ordered that she be lodged and cared for in a villa in prepared before their eyes to burn them at the appointed hour. A
one of his gardens, called Cuba. The abduction of Restituta caused a large crowd of people from Palermo, both men and women, gathered
great stir in Ischia, especially since no one knew who had taken her. to see the lovers. The men admired the damsel's beauty and praised
Gianni, more distressed than anyone, despaired of finding her in Ischia. her shapeliness, while the women commended the gallant for his
Learning the direction the boat had taken, he equipped his own boat handsome appearance. Meanwhile, the two unfortunate lovers, deeply
and scoured the coast from Minerva to Scalea in Calabria, searching ashamed, stood with their heads bowed, bitterly lamenting their fate
diligently for her. In Scalea, he discovered that she had been taken to and expecting to die by the cruel fire.
Palermo by Sicilian sailors. He hurried to Palermo, where he learned
that she had been given to the King and kept at Cuba. Troubled and As they awaited their execution, news of their plight reached Ruggieri
nearly hopeless, Gianni sent his boat away and stayed in Palermo, dell' Oria, a man of great worth and the King's admiral. Curious to
frequently passing by Cuba. One day, he saw Restituta at a window, see them, he went to the piazza and, after gazing at the damsel and
and she saw him, bringing them great mutual joy. finding her very beautiful, turned to look at the gallant. Recognizing
him, Ruggieri asked if he was Gianni di Procida. Gianni raised his head
Gianni noted the layout of the place and, after nightfall, returned. and, recognizing the admiral, replied, "My lord, I was he, but now I am
Despite the difficult ascent, he managed to enter the garden and climb as good as dead." The admiral then asked what had brought him to
up to Restituta's window using a pole. Restituta, who had previously
The Decameron