Page 134 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 134
The Decameron love with this damsel than you are now with the lady of the Traversari. was reluctant, the lady Nastagio loved eventually agreed to come
Her haughtiness and cruelty drove me to despair, and I killed myself
with the others.
with this rapier. For this, I am condemned to eternal torment. She,
Nastagio prepared a grand breakfast and set the tables under the pines
who rejoiced in my suffering, also died and was condemned to hell
near the spot where he had witnessed the cruel lady's punishment.
for her cruelty. It was ordained that she should flee before me, and I,
who loved her, should pursue her as my mortal enemy. As often as I
He arranged the seating so that the lady he loved was placed opposite
catch her, I kill her with this rapier, rip out her heart and other parts,
served when the despairing cries of the hunted damsel became
and feed them to these dogs. She then rises as if nothing happened
and flees again, with me and the dogs in pursuit. This happens every the spot where the event would occur. The last course had just been
audible to all, causing great amazement. Everyone stood up, intent
Friday at this hour, and in other places where she was cruel to me. on seeing what was happening. They saw the suffering damsel,
I am to pursue her for as many years as the months she was harsh the knight, and the dogs, who quickly appeared among them. They
to me. Leave me to execute the decree of Divine justice and do not shouted at the dogs and the knight, and some advanced to help the
oppose what you cannot withstand." damsel. However, the knight's words, similar to those he had used
with Nastagio, caused them to fall back, terror-stricken and amazed.
Terrified by the knight's words, Nastagio shrank back and watched When the knight proceeded to do as he had done before, all the ladies
in horror as the knight, rapier in hand, sprang upon the damsel. The present, many of whom were related to the suffering damsel and the
dogs gripped her tightly as she cried for mercy, but the knight struck knight, remembered his love and death and wept bitterly as if it were
her between the breasts, running her through the body. She fell to their own case.
the ground, sobbing and shrieking. The knight then opened her back
with a knife, took out her heart and other parts, and threw them to When it was all over, and the lady and the knight had disappeared, the
the dogs, who devoured them. The damsel soon rose as if nothing had strange scene left those who witnessed it pondering many different
happened and fled towards the sea, pursued and bitten by the dogs, matters. Among them, none was more appalled than the cruel lady
while the knight, back on his horse, followed with his rapier. They Nastagio loved. Having clearly seen and heard everything that had
quickly disappeared from Nastagio's sight. happened, and realizing that it affected her more than anyone else
due to her harshness towards Nastagio, she felt as if she were already
He stood for a long time, musing on what he had seen, torn between fleeing from her angry lover with the mastiffs at her heels. Her terror
pity and terror. Then it occurred to him that since this happened was so great that, to avoid a similar fate, she turned her aversion into
every Friday, it might be useful to him. So, having marked the place, affection. That very night, she sent a trusted maid to Nastagio with a
he rejoined his servants and later sent for some of his relatives and request for him to come to her, as she was ready to please him in every
friends. He said to them, "You have urged me for a long time to give up way. Nastagio replied that he was greatly flattered but wished to have
loving this lady who does not care for me and to stop my extravagant her in an honorable way, by marrying her. The lady, knowing that she
lifestyle. I am now ready to do so, provided you grant me one favor: was the only one to blame for not already being Nastagio's wife, agreed.
next Friday, invite Messer Paolo Traversaro, his wife and daughter, She informed her father and mother of her decision to marry Nastagio,
and all their female relatives, as well as any other ladies you wish, to and they heartily approved. Nastagio married her the following Sunday
come here for breakfast. You will then see for yourselves the reason and lived happily with her for many years. This terror not only benefited
for my request." This seemed a small matter to them, so they quickly her but also had a lasting effect on the ladies of Ravenna, making them
conveyed Nastagio's message to his intended guests. Although she more compliant with men's desires than they had been before.
The Decameron