Page 135 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 135

The Fifth Day | The Ninth Novell                       You should know that Coppo di Borghese Domenichi, a man who
            Storyteller: Filammetta                                was, and perhaps still is, held in high regard and great reverence
                                                                   in our city, not only for his noble lineage but also for his manners
            Federigo degli Alberighi loves and is not loved in return: he wastes   and merit, was in his old age often amused by recounting past
            his substance by lavishness until nought is left but a single falcon,   events with his neighbors and other people. He had no equal in
            which, his lady being come to see him at his house, he gives her to   accuracy and memory and was known for his eloquence. Among
            eat: she, knowing his case, changes her mind, takes him to husband   his many good stories, he would tell of a gallant named Federigo
            and makes him rich.                                    di Messer Filippo Alberighi, who was unmatched in Tuscany for
                                                                   his feats of arms and courtesy. Like many gentlemen, Federigo
                                                                   fell in love with a lady named Monna Giovanna, who was among
                                                                   the fairest and most elegant ladies of Florence. To win her love,
                                                                   he jousted, tilted, gave entertainments, scattered largess, and
                                                                   spared no expense. However, the lady, as virtuous as she was
                                                                   fair, cared not at all for his efforts or for him.

                                                                   Spending far beyond his means and earning nothing, Federigo
                                                                   eventually fell into poverty, reduced to owning only a small
                                                                   estate and a single falcon, the best in the world. The estate was
                                                                   at  Campi,  and  deeming  it  impossible  to  live  in  the  city  as  he
                                                                   desired, he moved there, more in love than ever. In complete
                                                                   seclusion, he diverted himself with hawking and bore his poverty
                                                                   as best he could.

                                                                   One day, Monna Giovanna's wealthy husband fell ill and, seeing
                                                                   his end near, made his will. He left his estate to his son and, in
                                                                   the event of his son's death without lawful heir, named Monna
                                                                   Giovanna as his heir. After making these arrangements, he
                                                                   died. Monna Giovanna, now a widow, did as many ladies do
                                                                   and spent the summer at one of her country estates, which was
                                                                   near Federigo's. Her son began to make friends with Federigo
                                                                   and developed a fondness for hawks and dogs. Having seen
                                                                   Federigo's falcon fly several times, the boy took a great liking to
                                                                   it and longed to have it, but did not dare ask Federigo, knowing
                                                                   how much he prized the bird.

                                                                   The boy fell ill, and his mother was deeply distressed, for he was
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              her only son and she loved him dearly. She stayed by his side,
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               comforting him and repeatedly asking if there was anything he
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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