Page 9 - Genius
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post-modernist action, maybe even a bit spoilt if not what was in the past, probably more powerful and
vicious. Nevertheless, are the artists themselves clear in its own aims: An art that emerges because
that – everyone with his own peculiar language and of the fusion of the pars construens with collective
way of expression – are capable to face individually intervention.
these kinds of problematic and subjects, talking
of their worries, allowing their works to exist It is the context, the framework that allows art to
as results of these thoughts, although in many open itself to new territories of investigation and
different ways. then overcome its partial vision of the world. It is
always the context that, in a certain sense, allows
The soul of an artist can still do a lot for him: it can art to find its position in this world. To look for a
push him to choose which direction to take, or how mutuality, for a symbiotic relation – with a precise
to adapt his work and himself to the most various feedback, not necessarily only economic – between
and different situations, or, again, to trans-form. art and enterprises it is undoubtedly a way to
To transform in something else the mistakes, the perceive and follow. In the same moment that art
broken dreams, the unsatisfied aspirations. enters and belongs to such a context, it obviously
contaminates while being contaminated as well, it
The complexity of contemporary art leads us to dismembers and recomposes itself in a continuous
consider a fundamental, determining factor that process without losing its own identity. Today,
it seemed to be more and more unavoidable: the the deficiency that many operations (projects) sui
specificity given by curatorial choices, in other generis have, is inside the idea of finding a unity at
words the “vision d’ensemble” (analytic and any costs, therefore neglecting possible openings
punctual) that allows to relate the work of one – or to new, unknown developments, as the one of
more than one – artist to a particular space and, a being able to perceive a possible sense of things
particular situation, as it is vital to contextualize that it can also be beauty beyond aesthetics, value
to stimulate, to diffuse to contaminate , this in beyond ethic itself.
order to make art the most comprehensible to
fruiters inside a specific framework, trying to give
evidence to a soul of art which is different from Andrea Pagnes, artist, writer Florence