Page 11 - Genius
P. 11
FranÇois GeFFray France 122-125, niCoLas GHesQUiere Belgium 126-127, Åsa
maria HeDBerG Sweden 128-129, Dina BoVa israel 130-131, VinoGraDoV a.p. France
132-135, mae Jeon USa 136-137, CLariCe GonÇaLVes Brazil 138-139, roseanna KinG
great Britain 140-141, asBJorn LonViG Denmark 142-145, tony BoWen australia 144-145,
may aU manion USa 146-147, aLayne aBraHams USa 148-149, Lis enGeL Denmark
150-151, oGaWa KaZUKo Japan 152-153, marCeLo aBUCHaLLa Brazil 154-155, tamara
tarasieWiCZ USa 156-157, JoHn naDon USa 158-159, HeLen Horn mUsser USa 160-
161, aLison Jane riCe australia 162-163, irma miCHaeLa sZaLKay austria 164-167,
DeLma GoDoy Brazil 168-169, neermaLa LUCKeenarain mauritius / indian ocean 170-
171, raFat germany 172-175, antoine BriDi canada 176-177, maya Green USa 178-179,
eLiora BoUsQUet France 180-181, ZHU Xintian France 182-183, UrsULa sCHmiDt
KraUse germany 184, ipeK yeGinsU turkey 185, rotem resHeF israel 186, soUnya
France 187, eLLa pLeVin great Britain 188, iGnaCio montano USa 189, LioneL smit South
africa 190, Lampo LeonG USa 191, ronaLDo WeBster Brazil 192, natHan KHan great
Britain 193, Dimitra KoULa greece 194, HeLena nasCimento the netherlands 195, Dai-
GianG USa 196, KareL Witt Switzerland 197, sHeFQet aVDUsH emini the netherlands 198,
GUn mattsson Sweden 199, aLBerto maGrin italy 200, anDrea paGnes & Verena
stenKe italy / germany 201, GraCe WaWa yanG canada 202, toma nenoV Bulgaria / italy
203, sooK-CHa Kim USa 204-205, timotHy tayLor mariana islands / cnmi 206-207, LeiF
nieLsen Denmark 208-211, BrUCe Denny great Britain 212-213, Drora spitZ israel 214-215,
renate poLZer austria 216-217, Corinne DaUGer France 218-221, sara JasKieWiCZ
Poland / Hungary 222-223, marianna VenCZÁK Hungary 224-225, VinCent serriteLLa
USa 226-227, aUDrone VasKeViCiUte Lithuania 228-229, petrU rUsU Sweden 230-240.