Page 6 - Genius
P. 6

DEFIlINg [contaminating] by ArT

        Even though alimented (nourished) by the constant        quality and, absolutely recognizable expression.
        tension to survive for necessity – and therefore         Nowadays social systems use several media ways
        subdued to a continues metamorphosis because             (and not only them) to broadcast contemporary
        of the stimulations and the inspiration, owing to        images of themselves that reiterate endlessly this
        human talent and cleverly and, consequently, to          precise concept: what has not any sort of economic
        the solutions that it has to find and make concrete      value it is not a product. Then, to transform this
        from time to time (time after time) by its own nature    product into something popular in order to incentive
        – the capability to transform, to modify, “to wove       people to consume it, market strategies adopt
        and unravel” (as Penelope), to unmake and remake         always more and more sophisticated means of
        in order to re-create is what animate the research       communication – and propaganda – with the clear
        of vitality of contemporary operativeness, as well       intent of seducing thoughts and decisional freedom
        as the spirit of the nowadays Homo Oeconomicus.          – through a subtle, subliminal manipulation-, in
        In the modern world (post-modern) – having took the      order to conform values and expectations to the
        place of the Homo Faber – the Homo Oeconomicus           market itself own advantages. Today, more than
        has begun to measure anything, any product               ever, economic power means absolute power.
        he makes, only by factors and variables purely
        economic. Although flexible, these parameters            Nevertheless this has brought modern man to have
        are the only tools capable to express value. Far         no other choice that to come straight into a sort
        beyond any possible nostalgic remembrance or             of  cul  de  sac  where he has hopelessly confined
        moral delicacy, today what can’t be verified on          himself:  an  arid  place  where  the  process  of
        economical basis is unanimously labeled as “with         depression seems to be by now irreversible, if not
        no value”, that is it can’t be identify as “product“.    definitive. Contemporary economy is so sickeningly
        From this consideration, it is possible to infer         un-equilibrated and out of balance that it has no
        how – and how much – the dynamics of human               other remedy to hold up on its own precariousness:
        actions have become more and more aggressive.            for this reason it generates a widespread climax
        Inside the strategies of competitive markets,            of fears and tensions that are not useful at all to
        aggressiveness is not just a primary element, it         what it would substantially be – or better, it is –
        is the constituent dorsal backbone, unavoidable          that allows economy to exist- the concept – and
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