Page 8 - Genius
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that are not consequentially circumstantial to the already lately destroyed, crumbled away by a dull
single event, but rather to a more wide-open vision, distinguishing of senseless rules, fragmented in
necessary to consolidate a philosophy of endurable the ghetto of useless roles, while it ought to be
development for the environment and the territory. entirely rooted into the contemporary dynamics
Something that is highly civil and social at the same of the productive processes. It is in this way
time. that the aspirations of mankind can be positively
alimented, feeding and nourishing the spirit of all
In the specific – as previously said above – the we contemporary human beings that live in this
overcoming of the actual stagnating situation planet and move across it.
can be spotted in that self-conscious, intuitive,
construc tive planning, where feelings and Therefore, (so then), why art?
intelligence move together towards common goals.
It is what the ancient greek philosophy called with Wanting or not, an artist expresses always his
the word poiesis: the art f doing. Actually, whatever spirit towards his emotions, thoughts, feelings and,
it will be the project that someone is going to do, matters. He bears this knowledge inside himself,
face, make, it is always how good and serious will more or less aware of it. It is part of his condition.
be his approach and, how ethically honest are It is something ingrained in his state of being. The
his intents that is the real value. Whatever we artist investigate to bring to light something that it
can do, it will always be needed to arrive to give is hidden to the normal sight, as an eye – as pure
an expression of course complete and finished, physic sensor – can’t see. In few words, the artist
but never definitive or closed in itself. It must be always tries – or looks for – a way to see more
somehow comprehensible – not damaging – and concentrate through things and reality, inside
always open and flexible to be modified, in order the things, for the reality. And also for himself
to give it new added values. the destination of his work is equally important.
To question himself about what the public can
Nevertheless, to understand fully the reach of this understand, digest, appreciate or feel the most-
precept, we must re-conciliate with the universal therefore capable of conducing the single fruiter
value that culture has; a value that has been to a more profound reflection, it is undoubtedly a