Page 14 - Famous
P. 14

I n  M a r c h  19 9 6 ,  w e m a d e  a
                                                                                            performance using multidirectional
                                                                                            live communications which linked
                                                                                            the four stations in Tokyo, Fukui,
                                                                                            Yu g a w a r a , O s l o ( N o r w a y ) t o
                                                                                            share  a  communication  figurative
                                                                                            score. (Sound: 7Khz, Image: Live
                                                                                            video, par ticipants: 20 people
                                                                                            approximately). As shown in the
                                                                                            picture, performers play their own
                                                                                            instruments by their own rules
                                                                                            of expression. Normally we play
                                                                                            music by reading a score written
                                                                                            on a scale of five, but a “figurative
                                                                                            score”  dev is e d  by  J ohn  C age
                                                                                            consists of abstract figures. In our
                                                                                            “Communication Figurative Score”,
                                                                                            we send a figurative score to each
                                                                                           of the remote stations and exchange
         COMMUNICATION                                                  LNDRAS NETS I /    sounds online. Participants at the
          FIGURATIVE SCORE                                             SLIDING PAPER DOOR   stations play music while listening to
                NUMBER 1                                               INSTRUMENT NO.3      the sounds so the total performance
       WORLD TRADE NETWORK                                             GURZENICH KÖLN STATION   is in harmony. The figurative score
                 ART 1996                                              - K-BIT INSTITUTE, OCTOVER   includes both still and moving
           LAFORET MUSEUM                                              1997 ( KÖLN: KOKEN   images,  such  as  abstract  figures
        LIKURA / K-BIT INSTITUTE                                       NOMURA AND AXEL      and landscape images.In contrast
         / OSLO /KOGOMENOYU                                            WIRTHS, K-BIT: AKIHIKO   to an orchestra or film that takes
         (YUGAWARA), MARSCH                                            SHIBATA)             the pyramidal structure where many
                 24TH 1996                                                                  serve under a conductor or director,
                                                                                            our network art is a collaborative
                                                                                            performance  made up of an equal
                                                                                            relation among all the performers.
                                                                                            Like interactive communications
                                                                                            on  the  phone,  performers  follow
                                                                                            their own ways of expression in
                                                                                            reading the figurative score and yet
                                                                                            coordinate the whole music. It can be
                                                                                            said that the 20 participants form a
                                                                                            ring of human network.

                                                                                            LNDRAS NETS I
                                                                 CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19