Page 157 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 157

 OBSESSION, 007 OIL ON CANvAS 15,5X20 IN. /40X50 CM.    «
         aYmeriC noa                                               LONG DISEASE, 2007 OIL ON CANvASES 47,5X31,5 IN. /121X80 CM.
                                                                   It'S ONLY ONE GOODBYE!, 2009 OIL ON CANvAS 40X40 IN. /100X100 CM.
         Lives and works in Montmorency, France


                                                                             At this point in his life, he received acceptance
                                                                             through  numerous  messages  from  beyond  and
                                                                             the employing of  Automatic Drawing techniques.
                                                                             Fascinated  by  the  Mystical  and  Para  Normal
                                                                             Psychology, he began to write a book, about sense
                                                                             and the essence of life and death. This book was
                                                                             never published. In 1997, at thirty nine years of age,
                                                                             he decided to embrace an artist's career in order to
                                                                             say with paintings what he was unable to convey
                                                                             in words. Then in 2001, a serious accident confined
                                                                             him to a wheel chair with it's resulting isolation.

                                                                             Bravely and with patience, he gradually learned to
                                                                             walk again and rediscover his easel. As a result of the
                                                                             accident, Aymeric elevated his love for the beauty
                                                                             of life through his use of light and color. With body
                                                                             and mind, he approaches his work in structured
                                                                             combinations of line, color, and volume and also a
                                                                             frank sensuality. Through his art, we discover the
                                                                             vulnerability of a hurt man who conveys a message
                                                                             of hope and love. This transcends his suffering to
                                                                             bring the viewer the joy and pleasure of living whilst
                                                                             wondering about death.

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