Page 161 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 161

 cONDENSAtION, (cONDENSAçãO) 2008 OIL ON CANvAS 25,5X27,5 IN. /65X70 CM.   «
         ClariCe gonÇalVeS                                        EVEN ON SuNNY DAYS, IS thERE At thE AtMOSPhERE A PERMANENt StAtE OF
                                                                 ELEctRIcAL ActIVItY (MESMO EM DIAS ENSOLARADOS, EXIStE NA AtMOSFERA uM
         Lives and works in Taguatinga DF, Brazil                EStADO PERMANENtE DE AtIVIDADE ELétRIcA), 2010 OIL ON CANvAS 31,5X31,5 IN.
                                                                 /80X80 CM.

         The painting whispers traces of characters that revive inside of now.   interest for the domestic interior and women spaces at society. It started
         Ancestral memories of the human race, some of what is conventional to   in myself a catharsis, a need of self-knowledge, wondering until where in
         call female but that is inherent to every human being: Continuities and/  my psychology, emotions and habits were really mine or were inherited
         or cultural dominance. Domestic landscapes of everyday life lived and   from hers suffering (my ancestors life experiences) are questions that are
         imagined. I started to paint as twelve-year old, as a child I've already begun   remain present surrounding all my production till the most recent work.
         to represent women, beauty contests, and clothing, asking my mother   Born in Brasilia- DF- Brazil in 1985, lives and works in Taguatinga - DF- Brazil
         and grandmother to choose the most beautiful ones. I also liked to draw   bachelor at visual Arts at University of Brasília, still at the university I've
         my mother in her most static moment: watching Tv, her looking far away,   participated of numerous exhibitions, was contemplated with some art
         after a long day of work, she was staring to the screen, but I was feeling   prizes at my country. Since my degree, I'm working with painting, showing
         so close from her, It was a moment of having her "only for me", capturing   my work on collective and individual exhibitions on my city (Brasilia) and
         her image kept in my child world. Probably it was the beginning of my deep   also goiânia and São Paulo.

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